Bangor Abbey Graveyard - P




J.  P.                 A 73
J.  P.   G 193
Erected by David Paisley, of Donaghadee, in memory of his beloved wife Eliza who died on the 21st day of May 1866 aged 26 years. Also Agnes MORGAN who died 28th May 1891 aged 55 years.
[Inscription on back:- This stone claims 2 graves, 1 south.]
Margaret Jane Paisley, in memory of her beloved husband, James Edgar Paisley, who died in Bangor 1st October 1911, in his 71st year.
Also the above Margaret Jane Paisley, who died 10th April 1926, aged 87 years.
Also their daughter, Sarah Ann CAMPBELL Rogers, who died who died 21st December 1961, aged 89 years.  And her husband John Rogers, who died 11th October 1981, aged 88 years.
In death they were not divided.

(R) Broken away at top of headstone.
Dear grandson David Gordon Pailsey, who was killed at Maroeuil in France on the 1st April 1917, aged 22 years.
Deeply mourned by his mother, brother and friends.
C 15




C 17

Sacred to the memory of Charles Robert Parsons, the beloved child of William and Eliza Parsons of Plymouth, who departed this life 19th Octr. 1853 aged 11.
        Deep for the dead the grief must be,
        Who ne'er gave cause for grief before.
Also of Joseph McGOWAN, their adopted son, who was drowned in Bangor Bay, 16th August 1873 aged 19. Also Eliza Parsons, my beloved wife, who departed this life 29th Novr. 1876 aged 62 years.
        A wife so true, there is but few
        And seldom for to find
        A wife more just, and true to trust
        There is not left behind.
Also the above William Parsons who died 22nd March 1897 aged 83 years.
Also his wife Ann Parsons, died 20th March 1926 aged 85 years.
Here lyeth the body of Alexr. Paterson, son of Samil. Paterson of Ballymullen, who died Decmr. ye 5th 1773 aged 2 years & 6 months.
Here lyeth ye body of Laetitia HANNA, wife to Alexander Patterson, who died ye 11 of Octbr. 1751 aged 48 years. Also ye body of Alixr. Patterson of Ballymullan who died ye 12th Spr. 1770 aged 67 years.
The property of (William) WHITLA, B.V. Erected in memory of Alexander Patterson, Ballyvernon, who departed this life 5th June 1816 aged 96 years. Also Jane Patterson his wife who departed this life 18th July 1801 aged 63 years. Also George Patterson their son who departed this life 19th January 1840 aged 76 years. And his wife Jane Patterson who departed this life on the 18th Decr. 1839 aged 68 years.
Here lieth the body of Mary Patterson, otherwise CARGO, wife to Alexander Patterson of N.T.ards who departed this life January 18th 1806 aged 37 years.  Also four of their children.   Here lieth als the body of the said Alexander Patterson who departed this life on the 27th day of August 1822 aged 56 years.  He for many years filled the respectable office of High Constable of the lower Half Barony of Ards, with the greatest integrity and died as he lived, an honest man truly lamented.
[East side] Here lieth the body of John Patterson late of the Cottown who departed this life Decr. the 25th 1808 aged 87 years. Also his wife Elizabeth Patterson alias WRIGHT who departed this life June the 2nd 1813 aged 81 years. Also Jean Patterson, daughter of John Patterson of Ballycormick, who departed this life Novr. the 29th 1808 aged 9 days. Margaret Patterson, daughter to the above John Patterson, died 1836 aged 74 years. Also Margaret Patterson of Turneygardy died ano 1838 aged 25 years. Jenny Patterson who departed this life in 1846 aged 80 years. John Patterson of Turneygardy, son of the first named John Patterson, who departed this life the 9th June 1853 aged 76 years.

[On back] Also Jenny, youngest daughter of John Patterson, who died 6th Sepr. 1856 aged 36 years. Died March 1st 1868 aged 86 years, Margaret Patterson, relict of the late John Patterson, Tullinagardy.

John Patterson of Cottown obitt 25th DEC. 1808. Elizabeth his wife obit 2nd June 1815. John Patterson obit 29th June 1853. Margaret his wife obit 1st March 1868. Jenny Patterson obit 9th Sep. 1856. E.J. NEILL obit 18th April 1887. Mary Smythe Patterson, obit 24th Feb. 1890.

Erected by John Patterson, Ivy Hill, Groomsport, in fond remembrance of his dearly loved sons:- David MacClement died 9th Dec. 1857 aged 4 years. Alexander, died 27th Feb. 1886 aged 26 years. Also his wife Mary MacCLEMENT, died 16th March 1889 aged 69 years. And the above mentioned John Patterson, who died 1st Decr. 1894 aged 76 years.
"He giveth his beloved sleep".
        John Patterson, died 13th Feb. 1860 aged 75 years. Mary Patterson, died 11th March 1866 aged 83 years.
Erected by Hugh FERGUSON in memory of Capt. James Patterson of Bangor, who departed this life November 14th 1813 aetatis 64 years. Also his wife Martha Patterson, alias MORRISON, who departed this life September 16th 1812 aetatis 64 years. Also Capt. Hugh Ferguson who departed this life February 10th 1824 aetatis 46 years. Also his son Capt. James Ferguson who departed this life May 19th 1834 aetatis 30 years. And also his son John Ferguson, who departed this life at sea, the 15th Sept. 1834 aetatis 28 years. Also his daughter Jane CAMPBELL who departed this life 29th August 1870 aged 58 years. Sic transit gloria mundi.

[Inscription on the back :- This stone claims 4 graves, 2 south and 1 north]


This ground extends 3 feet northward. Erected in memory of the late Samuel Patterson of Newtownards, woolen draper, who departed this life July the 8th 1825, in the 29th year of his age. Also his son, Hugh, who died 12th March 1837 in the 16th year of his age. Also his mother-in-law, Mary HANNAH, Stormont, who died 25th Deceber 1850, in the 87th year of her age.
Erected in memory of Robert Patterson of Bangor who departed this life 12th Sep. 1837 aged 71 years. Also 2 of his children George and Sarah who died in infancy. Also in memory of his son, Captain William Patterson, and wife Mary Patterson alias NEIL, who perished at sea, with seven of his crew, on the 7th November 1835 aged 32 years.
In memory of Christina Patterson, died
31/1/1915 aged 38 years, also her husband James Patterson died 2/6/1930 aged 56 years.
  D 43
(slate - illegible)

  A 23
'Sleeping in Jesus'
Matthew Patteson of Cookstown son of Edward Patteson of Cookstown, Derryloran, Co Tyrone who died in Bangor April 4th 1855 aged 94 years.  Also his wife Anne daughter of William GLENN, Glenvale, Co Derry who died May 6th 1862 aged 83 years. 
This memorial to most loving, exemplary and honoured Christian parents is erected by their seven surviving children.   'The memory of the just is blessed'.
Also the Rev William Patteson, their third son; born Oct 5th 1805, ordained Minister of 2nd Presbyterian Church, Bangor, August 5th 1829, died March 30th 1886
'A good soldier of Jesus Christ'. 2 Tim. 11, 3.
Sacred to the memory of Matthew Patteson, fourth son of the late Mathew Patteson of Cookstown; born June 7, 1810, died at Belfast Sept. 18, 1877. "To him to live was Christ, and to die was Gain". And of his Eliza Dickie Patterson, who died at Belfast Jan. 29 1898 aged 84 years. "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord".
In loving remembrance of William Patton who died at Bangor 12th February 1857. Also his beloved daughter Agnes Patton who died 9th October 1874. Also his beloved wife Isabella Patton who died 8th November 1884. Also his daughter Sophia Patton who died 24th April 1917.
        Erected by Isabella Patton of Bangor, in memory of  her daughter Agnes who died 19th October 1874 aged 32 years. "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord".
[Low, unpolished granite headstone in an enclosure] Rev. Alexander Patton, D.D., born at Myroe, Co. Derry, 1st Oct. 1843, ordained in 1st Ballymoney, 5th Nov. 1866, installed in 1st Bangor, 17th June 1879, died at Bangor 20th Nov 1896.  Eleanor Patton, wife of the above, born 26th March 1847, died 7th Feb. 1921.
[On enclosure]  May Patton died 23rd September 1909.  Annie S. Patton, died 5th September 1937.
Here lieth the body of Robert Peery who departed this life February 17th 1792 AE 54 years. Also his wife Jean Peery who deptd. this life June 19th 1805 AE 68 years. Also Thomas Perry, son to Alexander Perry of Ballycormic, who died on the 11th Jany. 1838 aged 11 years. Also the above Alexander Perry of Ballycormic, who died 19th April 1870 aged 80 years.
Erected by Samuel Perry of Portavo, in memory of his son Thomas Perry who died the 26th September 1826 aged 29 years.
Erected in memory of John Hanna Perry, late of Ballymanetra, who departed this life on the 29th of January 1836 aged 42 years.
Erected in memory of John Perry of Ballymanetra, who departed this life 7th March 1837 aged 77 years. Also his wife Elizabeth Perry who departed this life 5th February 1848 aged 81 years.
Erected by John Perry, Ballycormic, in memory of his neice Anna Maria FINLAY, wife of Hugh REID, who died 2nd April 1875 aged 28 years. Also in memory of the above named John Perry who died 15th November 1880 aged 58 years.  Also his mother Anne Perry who died 22nd March 1882 aged 94 years.  Also his aunt Sophia Perry who died the 14th December 1884 aged 75 years.  Also his brother James Perry who died the 16th October 1896 aged 81 years.  Also Isabella, wife of the late James Perry, died 9th February 1898 aged 69 years.  "I am the Resurrection and the life: he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live". John, XI, 25.  Died on 27th December 1919, Alexander Perry REID Sergt. 66th Canadian Infantry, aged 44 years, son of Anna Maria and Hugh Reid.  "Faithful unto death".
  G 259


In memory of William Philips who departed this life 2nd September 1809 aged 76 years

  FZ 31
Erected by Hamilton Pink of Ballygilbert, in memory of his wife Susanna Pink alias ALLEN who departed this life on the 10th May 1835 aged 77 years.
Erected by Henry Piper of Ballyliedy, Gunner of the Royal Navy, in memory of his wife Johannah, who departed this life 2nd August 1821 aged 58 years. Also his daughter Bridget, who departed this life 25th Octr. 1828 Aged 35 years. Also his daughter Catherine who died 15th Decr. 1836 Aged 12 years Also his son Henry Blackwood Piper, who died 5th January 1837 Aged 10 years.

Tender friends a while may mourn
Us from their embraces torn.
Dearer, better friends we have
In the realms beyond the grave.

Also the above named Henry Piper who died 29th November 1849 Aged 89 years. Died on the 18th October 1870 Ellen, wife of Henry Piper.
Erected by John Purse to the memory of his mother Sarah Purse, who departed this life December 25th 1858 aged 60 years.  Also his father James Purse who departed this life 26th of June 1849 aged 86 years.