Bangor Abbey Graveyard - C

Cairns to Cuthbertson





C .......................
Small sandstone headstone]

J. C.


FW 66


J.  C. ................
[Small stone]
  G 230
J. C. ................
[Small stone]
  G 232
CA ......................
[Small slate with part of top missing]

Here (lieth the bo)dy of Jas Ca..................... (of) Bangor, who dep. this life Janry. the 15th 1796 AE 46 years.
  1 77
Erected by Magdalene Calderwood in memory of her parents ………………. and Margaret Wilson, her brother John, her husband Robert Calderwood, also the above Magdalene Calderwood, died 1st March 1926

  G 26
Erected by Robert KELLY, Ballycrochan, in memory of his mother-in-law Jane Camlin alias FINLAY of Cottown, who died 19th January 1823 aged 77 years.  Also in memory of his wife Margaret Kelly alias Camelon, who departed this life on the 7th of June 1855 aged 81 years.
  H 29
Erected by John Camlin, in loving memory of his mother Sarah McCallum Camlin, died 18th December 1891 aged 59 years.
  G 36
Here lyeth ye body of Hans Campbel of Drumhirk who departed this life ye 12 of October 1731 aged 66 years.  With four of his children, viz:- William, James, Hans & Jane.  Here also lyeth his wife Jane Campbel alias McCLU(NA)GHAN who departed this life March ye 4 1750 aged 70 years.
  FX 37
Here lieth the body of Margaret JOHNSTON wife to Faries Campbell in Cotton who depd. this life Sept. the 21st 1787 AE 56 years.  Also 2 of hir [sic] children.  Also the body of Faries Campbell who departed this life 26th Feby. 1805 AE 72 years.  Also their son William who died 22nd Feby. 1827 aged 67 years (.....)r.  Here lieth the body of (......) wiad [sic].
FX 63
Erected by William Campbell, of Bangor, to the memory of his father Thomas Campbell who departed this life July 18th 1789 aged 74 years. Also Margaret, wife of Thomas Campbell, who departed this life June 10th 1810 aged 71 years.  Also his son James Campbell who departed this life June 18th 1831 aged 61 years.  
  G 120
Here lies the body of Samuel Campbell of Portavoe who died Oct. the 25th 1789 AE 4 years.  Also Agnes Campbell AE 6 years.  James NELSON.  Also Frances Nelson, wife of Andrew Nelson, the Point, Groomsport, who died 6th March 1938 aged 55 years.


FX 61
Here lieth ths body of James Campbell, son to John Campbell of Ballymcgee, who departed this life Octr. the 30th in the year of our Lord 1800 aged 24 years.
  G 94
Here lieth the body of John Campbell, of Ballyleedy, who departed this life March the 1, in anno 1804 AE 25 years.  Also his son John.  Also in memory of Archibald Campbell of Ballymullen, who died 1st Jany. 1866 aged 83 years.
FX 42
Erected by Alexander Campbell of Ballyhome, in memory of his daughter Jane, who died 12th June 1810 aged 3 years.  Also his wife Sarah Campbell alias DRAKE, who died 16th August 1824 aged 43 years.  Also the above Alexander Campbell who died 8th Novr. 1858 aged 82 years.  Also his grandson Alexander McMEEKAN died 14th August 1910 aged 68 years.  Also Jane BARRENS, wife of Alexander McMeekan, died 18th May 1917 aged 73 years.
  FX 6
This burying ground belongeth to Patrick Campbell, 10 feet southward.

Erected to the memory of Andrew Campbell, of Bangor, late of Castle Street, who departed this life 18th Sept. 1813 AE 64 years.  Also the body of his son Andrew who departed this life 20th July 1814 AE 24 years.  Also Martha PATTERSON, died 9th October 1900.  Also William Patterson, died 27th December 1913.
  G 119
1873.  Erected by Ferris Campbell in memory of his father, James Campbell, who died 1st March 1819 aged 52 years.  Also his mother Nelly, who died 4th July 1862 aged 75 years.  Also the above named Ferris Campbell, who died 15th August 1889 aged 81 years.  Also his wife Sarah DODDS, who died 22nd July 1891 aged 79 years.  Also his son John D. Campbell, who died 8 April 1910 aged 67 years.  Also his son William Campbell who died 31st March 1930 aged 85 yrs.   Also Agnes SHANKS, wife of the above named William Campbell, who died 2nd August 1936 aged 80 years.
FX 62
Erected by James Campbell, Furzefield, in memory of his children:-  George Knox died 19th May 1880 aged 5 years & 10 months, Sarah Jane died 5th July 1880 aged 4 years & 1 month.  Mary died 21st of July 1880 aged 2 years & 3 months.  "They were lovely and pleasant in their lives, and in death they were not divided".  Sara Eleanor Dodd died 11th February 1896 aged 8 years and 5 months.  Also his wife Mary KNOX, died 18th Nov. 1897 aged 55 years.  And of the above-named James Campbell died 29th January 1915 aged 75 years.  Also his daughter Marion Margaretta died 22nd April 1961 aged 78 years. 
  FX 64
Erected in memory of Hugh Campbell, Rathgeal, who departed this life 24th Decr. 1834 aged 60 years.  Also his daughter Rose-Ann Campbell, who departed this life 11th April 1823 aged 17 years.  Also his son Hugh Campbell who died 10th Augt. 1858 aged 54 years.  Also his wife Agnes Campbell alias HANNA who died 26th February 1861 aged 79 years.
And also his son Robert Campbell, who departed this life 27th August 1866 aged 48 years.  And also his daughter Martha Campbell who departed this life 31st July 1892.  And also his daughter Agnes MONTGOMERY who departed this life 20th April 1895.  Their ground is 3 feet northward & 4 feet southward.
  FX 74
Erected in memory of Arthur Campbell of Cotton, who died 10th April 1827 aged 84 years.  Also his wife Jennet Campbell alias MARTIN who departed this life 26th August A.D. 1823 aged 69 years.  And likewise the remains of William Campbell, late of Ballyhill and son of the above-named Arthur Campbell, who also departed this life on the 4th day of June A.D. 1849 aged 74 years.  Mary LOWRY, wife of James A. Campbell, died 20th June 1846 aged 25 years.  James A. Campbell died 12th June 1860 aged 37 years.  James Campbell died 27th Decr. 1873 aged 78 years.  Jane FINLAY, wife of James Campbell, died 15th March 1878 aged 80 years.  Also Mary Jane Campbell, born on the 20th November 1822, died on the 1st May 1904.

[Inscription on the back: This stone claims 3 graves south.]
  FX 66
Erected by William Campbell of Ballymagee in memory of his wife Jane Campbell alias POLLOCK who departed this life Janr. 26th 1824 aged 48 years.  The above William Campbell departed this life the 27th of Sepr. 1852 aged 78 years.  Also his grand-son William McCLURE who died 28th Decr. 1851 aged 20 years.  Also his wife Margaret Campbell, who died 14th January 1868 aged 83 years.  Also Thomas Campbell, son-in-law of the above named William Campbell, w(ho di)ed 3rd March 1870 aged 80 years.  Also (. . . . . .) Campbell, wife of Thomas Campbell and (daughter of the) above William Campbell w(ho died . . .) July 188(1) aged 77 years. (Marga)ret J. Campbell, died 2(. .) March 1899 aged 75.  A(nd)rew Campbell, died 23rd (Ju)ly 190(1) aged 77.  Also their son Thomas (H. C)ampbell died 14th Novr. 193(.) ag(e)d 73.  
  FX 5
Here lieth the body of William Campbell of Ballymagee who departed this life Decr. 26th 1824 aged 82 yrs.  Also his wife Agness Campbell alias PATTERSON who departed this life Janr. 14th 1826 aged 78 years.  William LYNAS who died 25th May 1911.  Also 3 of his children who died in infancy.  Also his wife Margaret J. Lynas, who died 27th January 1915.
  FX 7
Erected by Robert Campbell of Ballycormick, in memory of his son Andrew G. Campbell, who died 21st July 1828 aged 126 years.  Also in memory of his son Hugh Campbell who departed this life on  the 13th Sept. 1841 aged 31 years.  Also the above Robert Campbell who departed this life 12th June 1853 aged 83 years.  Bell Campbell died 12th June 1867 aged 104 years.  Also his daughter Margt. CORKILL who died 1st April 1877 aged 84.  Also his daughter Agnes HILL, who died 12th May 1877 aged 82.

[Figure 1 of Andrew Campbell's age is obviously an addition by a practical joker]

  FX 124
Erected by Captain Thomas Campbell, Bangor, in memory of his father Thomas Campbell, who departed this life 23rd July 1832 aged 66 years.  Also his mother Elizabeth Campbell alias POLLOCK, who died the 31st March 1832 aged 64 years.  And also his sister Jane Campbell who departed this life the 14th January 1833 aged 20 years.  Samuel Hull COSGROVE, born 25th Feby. 1886, died 17th August 1886.  Rebecca Campbell Cosgrove, born 26th October 1888, died 13th July 1889.  Mary Ann Cosgrove, born 22nd March 1854, died 25th Jan. 1936.
Beloved by all.
  FX 24
Erected by William Campbell of Bangor, in memory of his wife Jane Campbell who departed this life 12th February 1838 aged 58 years.
  H 112
Erected by Capt'n. James MONTGOMERY, master mariner, Bangor, in memory of John Campbell of Ballymagee, who died 1843 aged 91 years.  Also Isabella, his wife died 1840 aged 80 years.  Also Jane Montgomery, sister of the above John Campbell, died 1860 aged 93 years.  Also the above named James Montgomery, master mariner, who departed this life 15th July 1896.  Also his wife Margaret Montgomery who died 20th August 1899 aged 51 years. 

[Inscription on the back: This stone claims 5 graves, 2 on each side, and are left to Campbell Montgomery by his father in September 1893.]
  G 95
Erected by Captain Thomas Campbell.  Samuel COSGROVE, 4 graves.  In memory of his brother, Captain Clark Campbell, who departed this life on the 3rd of May 1842 at Wampoo, East Indies, aged39 years.  Also his wife, Jane Campbell, alias RAINEY, who departed this life on the 14th of July 1845 aged 40 years.  And also his son Clark Campbell, who departed this life on the 18th of December 1836 aged 2 years.  Also his son Robert Campbell, who departed this life on the 20th of January 1840 aged 6 years.  Also his brother William Campbell who departed this life, 15th January 1834 aged 35 years. (. . . . .) wife of William Campbell who departed this life 18th April 1883 aged 79 years.  "Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid". John XIV, 27.
  B 17
Erected by Captain William Campbell, Bangor A.D. 1845, in loving memory of Susanna his daughter, who died in infancy.  Captain William Campbell was drowned accidentally on his homeward voyage from New Orleans, March 1849 aged 44 years.  Margaret Jane
PAISLEY, grandchild, died in infancy.  Sarah Ann, daughter, died 31st Dec. 1860 aged 16 years.  Sarah Ann Campbell Paisley, grandchild, died 21st July 1865 aged 5 years & 4 months.  Mary Henrietta McIlroy Paisley, grandchild, died 2nd Nov. 1876 aged 1 year & 4 months.  Margaret, relict of Captain William Campbell died 4th April 1887 aged 78 years.  Also William Campbell Paisley, great-grandson who died at Larne, 7th Oct. 1900 aged 7 weeks.  Also his grandson, William Campbell Paisley, who died in Larne, 24th January 1906 aged 41 years.
Also his grandson, Alexander Campbell Paisley, M.D., who died in Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A., 2nd July 1911 in his 42nd year.
C 16
In memory of James Campbell, Whitespots, who died 9th Feb. 1886 aged 78 years.  Also his sister Jane who died 17th Oct. 1879 aged 68 years.  "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord".

Small headstone at the foot of the above -
Erected by David Campbell, carpenter, Ballyvernon, in memory of his wife Mary Campbell alias HAMILTON who departed this life 17th August 1846 aged 77 years.
FX 53



FX 52

In memory of Henry Campbell, Ballycormick, died 28th August 1864 aged 50 years.  Also his sons, Robert died 11th Nov. 1850 aged 5 years, Robert died 11th Jan 1854 aged 13 months,  William Graham died 18th Feb.1856 aged 18 months.  And two daughters who died in infancy.  Also John, died 5th June 1874 aged 30 years.  Henry died from sunstroke at Suva, Fiji Islands, 1st Jan 1878 aged 31 years.  Rev. Wm. Edward died 23rd Dec. 1885 aged 29 years.  Also his daughter Jane Weir, wife of Jerdan NICHOLS, died 14th May 1889 aged 29 years.  And their children, Mary Aileen and Douglas Campbell, who died in infancy.  Also Mary, daughter of above John Campbell, who died in infancy.  Mary, daughter of Henry Campbell, senr., wife of Thomas HARISON, B.L., died 18th June 1891 aged 34 years.  His son Hugh died 16th Sept. 1893 aged 51 years, husband of Kate Campbell, South Parade.  Mary GRAHAM, wife of Henry Campbell, senr., died 13th November 1899 aged 81 years.
  G 92
In memory of John Campbell, who died 27th Feby. 1853 aged 13 years.  Also of Elizabeth Campbell who died 5th Feb. 1872 aged 54 years.  Also of James Campbell who died 8th July 1877 aged 72 years.
  FX 27
Erected to the memory of William Campbell, of Bangor, who died 10th Octr.1874 aged 79 years.  "I know that my Redeemer liveth".  Job. XIX, 25.  Erected by the daughters of the above William Campbell.
  FX 26
Erected by Frederick O. Campbell in memory of his beloved wife Mary PATTERSON who died 31st August 1879 aged 29 years.  Their sons, George, died Oct. 1874 aged 1 year; William died May 1876 aged 4 years.  Also their son Edwin S.W., who died 27th June 1949.  And his wife Jeanie A., who died 15th November 1951.
  FX 28
Erected in 1861.
Erected by Capt. James Campbell of Bangor, in memory of his mother and grandmother, Agnes DOUGALL aged 84, and her daughter Mary aged 80 and also his sister Margaret Campbell aged 56, and his brother Capt. John C(ampb)ell, aged 68, who died (5th of) June 1875.  The above Captain James Campbell who died 26th Septr. 1892 aged 82 years.  Mary Campbell, wife of the above named Captain John Campbell, died 9th Septr. 1902 aged 88 years.
  FW 8
Erected by Mark Walsh Campbell to the memory of his father, Thomas Campbell mariner, who died at Bangor on the 3rd June 1890 aged 61 years.  Also his grandfather Ross WALSH who died on the 11th March 1863 aged 84 years.  Also his grandmother Rose Ann Walsh who died on the 2nd Sept. 1867 aged 67 years.  Also his aunt Eliza, daughter of the above, who died on the 25th Aug. 1861 aged 39 years.  Also his brother Ross Walsh who died on the 12th Jan. 1874 aged 5 years.

Sleep after toil, port after stormy seas,
Peace after war, death after life,
Do greatly please.
  G 51
Sacred to the memory of Lizzie Campbell who died on the 15th of January 1868 aged 24 years, eldest daughter of Hugh Campbell.  Also Margaret Campbell, who died 18th April 1879 aged 61 years.  Also Hugh Campbell, who died 20th September 1889 aged 82 years.  Also Mabel LEMON, who died 29th July 1915 aged 62 years, daughter of the above Hugh Campbell, and wife of the late Captain Samuel Lemon.
FX 51
Erected by William Campbell of Bangor in memory of his beloved son Hugh Campbell of Bangor in memory of his beloved son Hugh Campbell who was drowned at Melbourne, April 7th 1875 aged 33 years. Also his wife Ellen Hasty Gray, who died 25th November 1891
aged 75 years. The above named William Campbell who died 14th August 1893  aged 86 years.
FY 29
Erected by Maria Campbell of Ballycormick in Memory of her beloved Husband William
Campbell who departed this life 22nd June 1876 aged 66 years.  James NELSON. 

This stone Claims 3 Graves, 2 South.

Yea though I walk through the valley of the
shadow of death I will fear no evil, for thou
art with me, thy rod and thy staff they comfort me
Psalm XXIII 4

He left the world without a tear,
Save for the friends he held so dear,
to heal their sorrow Lord descend,
And to the friendless prove a friend.

Also Andrew Nelson of the Point, Groomsport, who died 20th January 1938 Aged 58 Years.

FX 59
Sacred to the memory of Thomas Campbell, master mariner, who departed this life 26th September 1876 aged 68 years.  And of his wife Charlotte, who died 8th May 1877.  "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me".
  FX 25
Erected by Robert & Jane NEILL of Canada, in memory of their beloved aunt Agnes Campbell who fell asleep in Jesus 17th Nov. 1883 aged 51 years.  Her last words were - "With Christ which is far better".  Also her husband Robert Campbell who died 15th August 1882 aged 57 years.  Holy Bible.
  D 19
Erected by Patrick Campbell, in loving memory of his sons Charles Henry Dodd who died 14th December 1889 aged 4 years and 10 months; Samuel Nelson who died 26th Novr. 1890 aged 14 months.  Also his wife Sarah Ann who died 12th March 1905 aged 52 years.
"To be with Christ, which is far better"
The above named Patrick Campbell died 28th December 1924 aged 75 years.
FY 28
Erected by Anne Campbell, Groomsport, in memory of her beloved husband Robert Campbell, who died 12th Dec. 1890 aged 68 years.  Also the above Anne Campbell who died 30th Oct. 1905 aged 84 years.  Maggie, youngest daughter of above, died 28th June 1929 aged 70 years.  Martha Campbell died 1891 aged 5 years.  Mary A. Campbell, died 27th Sepr. 1936.
  B 3
Erected by Mary Ann Campbell in memory of her husband James Campbell, Ballyree, who died 3rd July 1894 aged 61 years.
  A 50
Here lieth the body of Samuel Cargo of Crawfordsburn who departed this life June the 28th 1791 aged 72 years.  Also the body of Elizabeth Cargo alias McKEE, wife to the above, who departed this life the 7th November 1814 AE 96 years.  Also William Cargo who died at Crawfordsburn 6th January 1817 aged 66 years.  Also Annie Cargo, wife of James Cargo, who died 5th January 1888 aged 44 years.  Also Samuel Cargo, who died 7th June  1889 aged 89 years.  Also James Cargo of Ballymullan who died 19th September 1889 aged 4(9) years.  Also Jane Cargo, wife of Samuel Cargo, who died 1st Nov. 1897 aged 94 years.  Also Isabella, wife of William Cargo, who died at Ballyhome 17th November 1913 aged 69 years.  William Cargo, died 12th May 1925.
[Inscription on the back: This stone claims 3 graves, 1 on each side.]  
F 54
Erected in memory of John Cargo, late of Ballymullan, who died on the 14th March 1827 aged 77 years.  Also his beloved wife Margaret Cargo who died 8th May 1864 aged 92 years.  Also his daughter Margaret who died on the 17th April 1880 aged 77 years.  Also his daughter Mary who died on the 26th Octr. 1880 aged 75 years.  And his grandchild Sarahann WILSON.  Also Sarah Cargo MAGIFFARD died 2nd May 1890 aged 78 years.
FX 121
Here lieth the body of Mary Carlisle, alias McMAHON, wife to George Carlisle of Bangor, who departed this life April the 26th 1809 aged 35 years.  Also his wife, Margaret Carlisle, alias HANNAY, who departed this life 18th Augt. 1827 aged 59 years.
  E 25
In loving memory of our dear daughter Martha S. Carlisle who died 7th May 1919 aged 5˝ years, also her dear father William R. Carlisle who died 18th May 1958.  Also her dear mother Martha who died 14th March 1982.


  FW 64
Here lieth the body of John Carmichael of Millisle who departed this life July 19th 1804 aged 28 years.  Also his son Robert who depd. this life July 19th 1804 aged 28 years.  Also his son Robert who depd. this life July 1st 1805 aged 18 months.
  E 23
Here lyeth the remains of John Carmichael, who departed this life the 20th of June 1807 aged 72 years.  Also three of his children.  And Mary Carmichael his wife leat of Ballyvernat who departed this life the 7th Novr. 1822 AE 79 years.
E 20
Erected in memory of the late Robert Carmichael senior, of Millisle, who departed this life 8th Oct. 1808 aged 75 years.  Also Lydia Carmichael his wife, who departed this life 24th April 1832 aged 80 years.  And three of their children who died young.
  E 22
Underneath this stone lieth the remains of Robert Carmichael, junior, late of Belfast, son of Robert Carmichael, Senior, late of the Millisle who depd. this life 20th of November 1808 aged 25 years.
E 21
Here lieth ye body of James Carmichaell who departed this life January the 15th 1775 aged 70 years.
E 19
Erected in loving memory of Ellen Carroll, daughter of John & Jane Carroll, who died 13th May 1881 aged 28 years.  Also Jane, wife of John Carroll, and daughter of the Rev. Samuel JOHNSTON, Manorhamilton, Co. Leitrim, who died 28th July 1884 aged 58 years.  Also of the above named John Carroll who died 3rd Decr. 1898 aged 71 years.  Also Anthony Algeo Carroll, son of the above John and Jane Carroll, died 1st January 1907 aged 49 years. 
"Give them, O Lord, eternal rest".

[North face] Also Sarah BYERS, beloved wife of Charles J. Byers, and daughter of John and Jane Carroll, who died 25th June 1912 aged 56 years.  The above named Charles J. Byers died 12th March 1916 aged 66 years.
D 65
see REID
Erected by David Carson in memory of his beloved wife Martha who died 6th July 1868 aged 29 years.  Also his daughter Elizabeth who died 30th Decr. 1872 aged 6 years.
  G 250
Erected by Thomas Carson, Bangor, in memory of his daughter Emmy Carson who departed this life 6th April 1880 aged 18 years.
  G 111
Erected by Thomas Caughley of Ballycormick, in memory of his wife Eleanor Caughley, alias BAILIE, who died 15th April 1837 aged 55 years.  Also the above named Thomas Caughley who departed this life 27th January 1853 aged 66 years.  Also his daughter Ellen Caughley who departed this life 22nd January 1856 aged 37 years.
  G 266
see BURT


Erected by Capt. James CHAMBERS in memory of his beloved wife Lizzie Chambers who departed this life 20th Septr. 1886 aged 37 years.
  B 6
see HILL
"From night, sunshine and day arose".  To the beloved memory of Thomas Gillett Chittenden who entered into rest 8th October 1880 aged 67 years.  "Fondly loved and unceasingly mourned".  "Nearer my God to Thee, nearer to Thee."
  A 34
Erected by James J. Christie of Saint John's, N.B., America, in loving memory of his mother, Jane Christie, who died in 1837 aged 47 years.  Also his father James Christie of Bangor Demesne, who died in 1866 aged 84 years.  Also his brother Robert Christie of Bangor who died in 1865 aged 42 years.  Also George AGNEW, beloved husband of Agnes Agnew, who died 8th October 1914 aged 58 years.  Also his wife Agnes who died 20th October 1928.  Also Martha, wife of William Agnew, died 3rd December 1918.  Edward Francis Agnew died 9th May 1958.
  G 113

Erected by Jenny AGNEW  in loving memory of her aunts Sara Claney Died 23rd February 1966 Martha Claney Died 17th April 1967.
FX 56
Erected by Thomas Claney, to the memory of Margaret his wife who departed this life the 4th of Novr. 1815 aged 26 years.  Also his daughter Jane who departed this life July the 14th 1843 aged 28 years.
  FW 77
Erected by John Claney of Bangor in memory of his daughter Mary who departed this life March 9th 1825 aged 2 yrs.  And also the body of John Claney of Bangor who departed this life July 26th 1826 aged 24 years.
  FW 76
Erected by Henry James Claney, Bally(oran), in memory of his wife Margaret Claney who died May 29th 1878 aged 71 years.  Also the above named Henry James Claney who died 4th October 1886 aged 8(1) years.  Also of James Claney his second son, who died at Groomsport 10th July 1898 aged 66 years.  Also his son-in-law David STEWART who died at Cottown 7th Feby. 1907 aged 73 years.  Also his granddaughter Anna Adair Stewart who died 22nd May 1881 aged 4 years.  Also his daughter Margaret Stewart, aged 73 years, died at Cottown Oct. 29th 1911, and was interred Oct. 31st 1911.
  FX 32
In loving remembrance of a kind and affectionate husband and father John Claney who died at Balloo, Groomsport, Jany. 8th 1882 aged 47 years.  This memorial is erected by his widow.  Also their two children, Robert who died in infancy, and Minnie who died 12th August 1881 aged 2 years & 9 months.  Also their youngest child, Martha Agnes McKEE who died 1st January 1883 aged 13 months.  Also their son Johnny who died 18th September 1883 aged 7 years.  Also their son Robert McKee Claney, killed in France, 19th Dec. 1916 aged 37 years.  Also their son Henry Jas. Claney, died in S. Africa, 6th Nov. 1920 aged 46 years.  Gordon Stafford Claney died 16th March 1922.  Also Martha, widow of the above named John Claney, died 16th December 1924 aged 75 years.  Also their daughter Margaret Stewart CRANSTON, died 11th Nov. 1942.
FX 83
Erected by Maria Claney of Orlock, in memory of her beloved husband John Claney who died 23rd August 1885 aged 85 years.  Also the above named Maria Claney who died 15th March 1892 aged 81 yrs.  Also their daughter Jane who died 21st May 1892 aged 41 years.  Also their son Hugh who died 13th May 1893  aged 40 years.  And their son John died April 1924 aged 88 years.
  A 115

[Badly broken slate headstone]
Here lieth the body of Archibald Clanny, late of Bangor Granshaw, who departed this life October the 31st 1807 aged 71 years.  Also here lieth the body of his wi(fe) Grace Clanny (alias) REID who departed this life June the 20 (....) age(d 7. yea)rs.  Also their son John Clanny who departed this life March 12th 1819 aged (4.) years.  Also their son Archibald Clanny who departed this life 2(2)nd May 1826 AE (52).  Also Susanna, wife of their son Hugh who departed this life 20th September 1856 aged 74 years.  Also their son, the above Hugh Clanny of Ballycrochan who departed this life the 24th August 1858 aged 78 years.
  FX 35
Erected in memory of Alexander Clanny of Granshaw, who departed this life 25th Januy. A.D. 1822 aged 50 years.  Also Thomas Clanny, late of Bangor, who departed this life 13th April 1847 aged 64 years.  Also, at Ballymagee on the 11th Decr. 1857, Hugh C. Andrews, aged 7 years.  Also, at Ballycrochan on the 31st Decr. 1857, Alexr., Clanny, aged 42 years.  Also Jane Clanny of Ballycrochan, who departed this life on the  10th December 1860 aged 49 years.  Also Grace Clanny who died 11th January 1901 aged 82 years.  Also David Andrews who died 28th May 1902 aged 86 years.  Also Mary Andrews who died 15th June 1903 aged 43 years.  Also Susan C. Andrews, wife of the above David, who died 19th March 1907 aged 87 years.  Also Mary Andrews, grandaughter of the above David Andrews, who died 27th Jany. 1916 aged 23 years.  Susanna M. C. Andrews died 21st January 1925 aged 72 years.  Wm. C. Andrews died 3rd March 1928 aged 82 years.  Sarah Ellen Andrews died 3rd January 1942 aged 94 years.
  FX 36
H(ere li)eth the (remains o)f H(ugh) Cl(any of)f (G)ra(n)shagh who depa(r)ted this life Ivly the (3)1st 17(..) aged 36 years.  Also the (bo)dy of his wife Jane Clany (a)lias DAVISON who died Augst. 9th 1771 aged 74 years.  Also his son Andrew Clany who departed this life October the 16th 1741 aged 23 years.  (Al)so the body of Agnes Clany his 2nd daughter who died the 19th of November 1780 aged 59 years.


FX 34
Here lyeth the body of Archibald Clany of Grenshough who depd. this life May ye 4th 1773 aged 75 years.  Also ye body of his wife Mary Clany alias McQUOID who depd. this life February ye 8th 1764 aged 63 years.  Also the body of their son John Claney who depd. this life January the 1st 1758 aged 24 years.  Also the body of their son William Claney who departed this life August the 6th 1786 aged 66 years.  And also his wife Jane Claney alias FINLAY who died on the 15th November 1837 aged 94 years.  Also Jane Claney alias McBRIDE, daughter-in-law to the above William Claney, who died 23rd Oct. 1843 aged 47 years.  And also her husband Ross Claney, who died 18th July 1853 aged 67 years.  Also John Claney, brother to Ross, who died 22nd April 1858 aged 87 years.  Also Jane Claney, sister to John, who died 24th July 1860 aged 84 years.  Also grandchildren of the above named Ross Claney, namely:- Sarah Claney, born 16th October 1867, died 10th June 1868; Sarah Claney, born 21st June 1874, died 26th April 1875; James Claney, born 19th January 1864, died 30 October 1885.  William Claney, born 7th August 1871, died 7th October 1899.  Also Ross Claney who died 30th March 1905 aged 75 years.  Maggie Claney, born 23rd March 1876, died 14th October 1910.  Jenny, wife of Ross Claney, died 21st February 1921.
FX 55
Here lyeth the body of John Cleeland leat provest of Bangor who departed this life the 26 day of January 1714, and of age 49 years.  Also his wife Mary Clealand alias TAGGART who departed this life 28 May 1742 aged 67 years.  Also here lieth the body of Patrick Cleeland of Ballymagee who died the 5 of December 1785 aged 84 years.  [This section of inscription was inserted in the early 19th century].  Patrick Cleland of Bangor Esqr. son of Alexander Cleland of that ilk Esqr. died 1682 aged 57.  Janet BLACKWOOD, his widow, daughter of John Blackwood, Esqr. Provest of Bangor, died 1689.
  A 29
Erected by Richard Clegg in memory of his daughter-in-law Nancy, died 25th December 1896 aged 23 years.  His son Hugh died 17th Aug. 1897 aged 35 years.
A 10
Erected by his wife in loving memory of her dear husband Greer Cleland who died 20th August 1896.
[On back] Also in memory of her dear mother Jane MATEER who died 6th May 1899 aged 66 years.
A 7
Erected by John Clifford, Groomsport, in memory of his brother William Clifford who died on the 19th Decr. 1826 aged 28 years.  Also his brother Samuel Clifford who died on the 1st Feby. 1831 aged 27 years.  Also his mother Jane who died the 10th of Feby. 1839 aged 70 years.  Also his daughter Margaret who died 18th Oct. 1847 aged 21 years.  Also his son William who died 4th July 1849 aged 16 years.  The above John Clifford died 15th Decr. 1849 aged 53 years.
  G 231
Erected by James Clifford, Segt., Roy'l Regt. of Artillery, in memory of his beloved mother Margaret MOORE, alias Clifford, who departed this life 26th April 1837 aged 39 years.  Also his sister Sarah Jane Clifford who died 14th March 1849 aged 21 years.  Also his son Wm. John who died in Port Royal, Jamaica, W.I., on the 19th May 1837 aged 1 year and 4 months.  And also his son Wm. John who died at Woolwich 20th Decr. 1856 aged 2 year and 7 months.  Also his brother William who died 7th November 1869 aged 45 years.
  H 107
Erected by John Clisdal of Bangor in memory of his mother Agnes Clisdal who departed this life the 14th January 1839 aged 82 years.  Also his beloved wife Mary Clisdal who departed this life the 24th February 1841 aged 67 years.  Also the above John Clisdal who departed this life the 30th May 1860 aged 80 years.  Also Annie Clisdal, wife of the above John Clisdal, died 2nd April 1892 aged 85 years.
  I 108
In loving memory of James Clotworthy who died 12th July 1870 aged 70 years.  "Be ye also ready".  Also his daughter Jane Clotworthy who died 29th April 1879.  Also her husband Hugh COLVIN who died 30th May 1879.  Also Eliza, wife to the above James Clotworthy, who died 4th May 1884 aged 92 years.  Also his son Andrew died in Kelloe, Co. Durham, England, 9th April 1894.  Also his daughter Sarah Clotworthy who died 19th September 1909.  Also his son Alexander Clotworthy who died 12th September 1917, interred in Donaghadee Burying Ground.  Also his grand-daughter Alice Clotworthy who died 16th September 1924.  Also her daughter Mary G. HAMILTON who died 1st October 1947.
  G 234
Erected by (Ja)mes and John (Cloke)y, Ballysallagh, in memory of their (parents) James and Mary (C)lokey.  Also their (brother) and sister, William (and Ja)ne.
  G 168
Here lieth the body of Alexr. Clugston of BallyMcConnell who depd. this life 9th of Iany. 1720 aged 65 years.  Also ye body of Margery Clugston alias MILLS his wife who depd. this life ye 9th of April 1732 aged 66 years.  Also ye body of their son Samuel Clugston of Bangor who depd. this life ye 9th of Augst 1781 aged 81 years.  Also ye body of their daughter Sarah Clugston alias KELLY who depd. this life ye 9th of Iany. 1747 aged 66 years.
  G 9
Be Firm.
In memory of Mary Frances the devoted and beloved wife of Arthur Hill Coates Died April 14th 1893 Also in affectionate memory of Arthur Hill Coates Died 19th September 1922 in his 80th year.
A 25
John Coates, born at Carrickfergus in 1805, died at Bangor in 1896.
A 8

ane Cochran died 4 January 1912 Aged 76 Years
(At Bottom)  In loving memory of Agnes Cochran who died 13 June 1904 Aged 43 Years
‘Asleep In Jesus’

  FY 65
(....) Here lyeth the body of the Re(revend John) Cochran (late of B)allyobi(gan who) died (the 22nd day of June 1765 aged ..) years.  He (was minister of Bangor) Presbyterian (Congregation for 13 years ...) ren .... st wife of Cochran ...e who died the 10th of S(e)pt 1778 aged (.. ye)ars.

[Stone is badly fragmented - some details have been completed from the Fasti of the Irish Presbyterian Church]
  FW 16
(This) stone .... (Re)vd Ja(mes) ....n who ......ed .... of .... Congregation of Ballywalter.  Also the (rema)ins of his fi(rst wife) Hellen (Cochran) alias WH(ITE who) died (10th Se)pt. 1(778 aged 3)0 years.

[Fragments lying loose - according to the Fasti of the Irish Presbyterian Church he was son of the Rev. John Cochran (above) was born in 1736, was minister of Ballywalter 1762-1802 and died on 22nd Sept. 1802]
  FW 18
Erected by Jane DUNDAS in memory of her sister Eliza Cockburn who died 16th October 1889 aged 80 years.  "Christ, being raised from the dead, dieth no more; death hath no dominion over him.  For as in Adam all die even so in Christ shall all be made alive".  The remains of Margaret Dundas, niece of the above named Jane Dundas, who died at Bangor on the 22nd April 1893, are also interred here.
  A 79
[Small undated headstone beside James Russell's - probably of c. 1850].  (A. Cocker).  John NICHOLSON.  This stone claims 4 graves north.
  G 54
Erected in memory of William Coey, of Bangor, master mariner, who died 11th May 1864 aged 48 years.  Also his sons, Henry died February 1871, Thomas died June 1892.  His beloved wife Ellen died June 1893.  His daughter-in-law Jane died December 1896.  His daughter Harriet died March 1903.
  G 222
Here lyeth ye body of George Colvill, died the 21st June 1753 aged 73 years.  Here lyeth the body of Margret SPENCE wife to George Colvill in Bangor, who departed this life the 19th Octr. 1740 aged 60 years.
  G 96
Born to a course of manly action free,
He dauntless trod ye fluctuating sea,
In pompous war or happier peace to bring
Joy to my Sire and honour to my King;
And much by favour to the God was done
E'e half the term of human life was run.
One fatal night, returning from the bay
Whence British fleets ye Gallic lands survey,
Whilst with warm hope my trembling heart beat high,
My friends, my kindred, and my country nigh,
Lasht by the wind, the waves arose and bore
Our ship in shattered fragments to the shore.
There ye flak’d surge opprest my darkening sight
And there my eyes for ever lost the light.

Captain George Colvill, of the private ship-of-war Amazon, and only son of Robert Colville, of Bangor, was wrecked near this ground, 25th Feb, 1780, in ye 29th year of his Age.

G 97
Erected by James Colville, Bangor, in memory of his beloved father William Colville of Ballymagee, who departed this life 16th Novr. 1860 aged 62 years.  Also his sister Mary BELL who departed this life 26th Novr. 1871 aged 27 years.  Also his daughter Sarah who departed this life 31st August 1879 aged 3 years.  Also his son Robert who died 8th May 1884.  Also his son Alexander who died Sept. 1884.
  G 98
Here l(ieth) the (bod)y of John Colvill, mariner who died the 20th day of August 1773 aged 26 years.  Also the body of William Colvill who died ye 6th of Sepr. 1773 aged 5 years.
  I 14
Here Lies the body of Mary Colvill wife of Samuel CAMPBELL in Portavo who departed this life Janry. the 20th 1785 Aged 69 Yrs.  And in affection by Ma(. . . ) Campbell, Ballycormick.  Also of her beloved mother Sarah SMITH, who departed this life 6th Feby. 1874 aged 82 years.  "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord".
FX 60
Erected by James Colville, Surveyor H.M. Customs, London, to the memory of his father, William Colville of the Six Road Ends, who died in Belfast, 15th June 1866 aged 59 years.  And Jane, wife of the above, who died 5th February 1876 aged 56 years.  And Elizabeth KERR, daughter of the above, who died 11th May 1895 aged 42 years.  Also his grandfather William Colville who died at the Six Road Ends 18th May 1840 aged 61 years.  And Elizabeth, wife of the above, who died 18th April 1849 aged 69 years.
  I 13
Erected by Mary Colville in memory of her husband, Robert Colville, who died 3rd December 1897 aged 62.  The above Mary Colville died 13th January 1908 aged 72.  Mary ROWLEY died April 1877.  Charlotte Rowley died 1887.  Mary Jane Rowley died Jan. 1892.  William Rowley died 5 May 1927.  In loving memory of James Rowley, Clandeboye, dearly loved husband of Annie Rowley, died 12th October 1948, and his dear wife Annie, died 30th Sep. 1956.  At rest.
  FW 89
Erected by Prudence Cooper in memory of her beloved husband Hugh Cooper, of Ballywalter, who died 26th Feb. 1882 aged 40 years.
  D 2
Sacred to the memory of Isaac Corry, son of John Corry, serjt. in the R.S.D.Ma., who departed this life on the 3rd of July 1815 aged 14 years - universally beloved.  Tho a child in years yet a man in wisdom, a living and dying witness for the cause of Jesus.  Also John Corry, father to the above, late of the R.S.D.Ma., who departed this life 26th Novr. 1817 aged 36 years.
I 40
[Small undated slate headstone c.1800].  Isaac Corry.
  I 41
See CAMPBELL   (2)
Erected (by) George Coulter of Crawfordsburn, to the memory of his beloved wife Margaret who departed this life on the 30th day of March 1838 aged 75 years.  Also to the memory of her neice Margaret SMITH who departed this life 10th day of September 1844 aged 43 years.
  G 263
Erected by Arthur Cowan in memory of his beloved wife Dorothea Cowan, who died 6th July 1892 aged 66 years.  Arthur Cowan died 7th January 1919 aged 85 years.  Also Agnes, beloved wife of Ross Cowan, died 24th May 1922 aged 53 years.  Ross Cowan died 28th November 1943 aged 81 years.  Elizabeth Cowan died 8th January 1968 aged 73 years.
  A 51
Erected by Grace Cowden in memory of her son William James Cowden who died 27th July 1892 aged 18 years.  Also the above named Grace Cowden who died 31st January 1917.  Also her beloved husband David Alexander Cowden who died 3rd March 1927.  Also their daughter Anna MARTIN, died 15th March 1952.  Also their son David John Cowden died 10th June 1967.  Mary Cowden died 11th December 1973.
  FY 13
In memory of a beloved husband and father, the Reverend William Craig, Presbyterian Minister of Conlig, who died 19th April 1872 aged 43 years.  "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord".  Emma Isabel, his daughter, died 28th March 1871 aged 1 year & 8 months.  Lizzie Jane, died on the 17th August 1884 aged 19 years.  Mary Jane Craig, wife of the above named William Craig, died 27th August 1924 aged 90 years.  Anna Mary, daughter of Wm. and Mary J. Craig, died 15th April 1932 aged 65 years and of Helen Clarke Craig, last surviving daughter of William and Mary J. Craig, died 9th January 1939 aged 75 years.
  E 11

William Craig Born 20th August 1827 Died 10th February 1897
Annie Craig Born 6th January 1826 Died 18th February 1899


FX 15
Erected by Robert Crawford Ballycrochan in memory of two of his children Here lieth the body of his daughter  Catherine Crawford who departed this life 25th February 1846 Aged 25 years Also his wife Catherine HAMILTON who departed this life 15th August 1858 Aged 63 years.
C 27

[Small slate stone]


  H 135
Erected by Wm. Crickard, (Drumhirk) 188(4).
  H 106
In memory of William Crickard who died at Drumhirk 26th Feby. 1888 aged 80 years.  His son Alexander died 29th July 1889 aged 37.  Also a son who died in infancy.  His wife Susan died 31st Decr. 1892 aged 80 years.
  H 105
Erected by William Crooks, Newtownards, in loving memory of his father James Crooks who died 9th April 1877.  Also his mother Jane Crooks who died 22nd November 1897.  Also the above named William Crooks who died 12th November 1912.  Jane Crooks, wife of William Crooks, died 2nd July 1918 aged 66 years.
  FY 11
Erected by Samuel Crosbie, Bangor.  In memory of his Grandmother Eleanor MAGILL, who died 21 Oct 1807 aged 70 years.  Also his Mother Charlotte Crosbie alias Magill who died 12th Febry. 1808 aged 38 years.  Also his Father Samuel Crosbie who died 23rd Septr. 1815, aged 46 years.  Also his step mother Jenny Crosbie alias Hanney who died 14th January 1817 aged 45 years.  Also James Crosbie's daughter Ann Charlotte who died 19th October 1831 aged 11 months.  Also his nephew Alexr. son of Wm Crosbie who died 11th March 1847 aged 11 months.  Also Rebecca Crosbie sister of Alexr. who died 14th Dec 1857 aged 28 years.  The above Samuel Crosbie died 9th Feb 1858 aged 58 years.  Also John Crosbie, Son of James, who died 30th May 1861 Aged 28 years.  Also the above James Crosbie who departed this life 21st of March 1866 Aged 64 years.  Also Mary Ann Crosbie wife of James Crosbie who died 27th May 1894 aged 93 years.
C 2
Sacred to the memory of William Crosbie of Bangor, who departed this life Aug. 23rd 1876,
after a lingering illness which he bore with christian resignation, aged 73 years. Also Sarah MURPHY, daughter of William Crosbie, who departed this life Octr. 12th 1878, aged 42 years. Also Agnes Crosbie, wife of William Crosbie, who died 26th Novr. 1896 aged 91 years.
C 1
Sacred to the memory of Margaret Crown alias HALL who departed this life 26th Feb. 1837 aged 70 years.  This stone is erected by James Crown of Bangor Demaine, in grateful remembrance of his late respected wife whose remains rest here in peace.
  FY 17
Erected by James Crozier, Serg. R.S.D.M. in memory of his daughter Jane Crozier who died Oct. the 1st 1839 aged 24 years.

Here we shall bathe our weary souls,
In seas of Heavenly rest.
And not a wave of trouble roll,
Across our peaceful breast.

Also his daughter Mary KELLY who died 23rd August 1847 aged 40 years.  Also his wife Jane Crozier who died 19th Novr. 1848 aged 71 years.  The above James Crozier died 17th June 1852 aged 71 years.

  I 107
William Sweet

  G 22
Erected by Mary Cuee of Ballykillair, in memory of her dear mother Cristain Cuee who died on the 10th June 1831 aged 68 years.  Also Robert BETTY her son who died on the 28th Nov. 1840 aged 15 years.
  G 137
Here lyeth the body of Thomas Cumming of Ballyhome, who departed this life May 17th 1787 aged 72 years.  Also his wife Mary Cumming, otherways MOOR who departed this life October 17th 1792 aged 86 years.
  G 75
Erected in memory of John Cummings of Ballyholm, who departed this life April 23rd 1841 aged 65 years.  Also of his son Robert Cummings who died April 24th 1835 aged 19 years.
  G 76
Erected by William Cummings of Bangor in memory of his wife Mary who departed this life on the 9th day of May 1868 aged 67 years.  Also the above named William Cummings who died on the 13th of April 1879 aged 79 years.  Also William McBURNEY who died on the 28th March 1885 aged 62 years.  Also Jane McBurney, wife of Wm. McBurney and eldest daughter of Wm. Cummings who died 6th Dec. 1903.  Also Thomas ABBOT, son-in-law of the above Wm. Cummings, who died 9th Dec. 1903.  Also Gilbert son of William Cummings who died 12th Octr. 1923 aged 82 years.  Also Mary CUTHBERTSON, daughter of William Cummings who died 27th Novr. 1923 aged 73 years.

[Inscription on the back :- This stone claims 4 graves, 2 north & 2 south]

  FY 18
Erected by Patk. Cunningham in memory of his daughter Maggie who died 1st March 1872 aged 12 years.
  FX 110
I.H.S.  Erected by Patrick Cunningham in loving memory of his son John who died 6th Sep. 1885 aged 21 years.
  A 96
Erected by James Curragh, Groomsport, in memory of his brother John Curragh who died 24th Octr. 1876 aged 22 years.  And his daughter who died in infancy.  W. H. Curragh died 17th January 1932 aged 72 years.  Helena Curragh died 12th May 1950 aged 93 years.
"The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord".
  G 43
Erected by Alexander Currell, Upper Balloo, in fond and loving memory of his wife Jane Crawford who died 7 April 1898 aged 73 years.  Also of his son William McCloy, who died 18 May 1898 aged 37 years. The above named Alexander Currell died 13 March 1909 aged 84 years. In memory also of Crawford Alexander, beloved son of John and Lizzie Currell, who died 6th August 1914 aged 11 years.  Also of Lizzie, beloved wife of John Currell, who died 11th October 1915 aged 44 years.  The above named John Currell died 11th November 1922, aged 54 years. Peace.   Mary  E. Currell, died 23rd Dec. 1930.  Jane Currell, died 12th April 1941.  "For so He giveth his beloved sleep".
E 2