Here lyeth the body of William Neill, son of James Neill, meason,
Bangor, who departed this life April 16th 1813 aged 19 years. Also his
father James Neill who departed this life Octr. 13th 1819 aged 56 years.
Here lieth the body of Margret Neill, daughter of Captain Neill of
Bangor, who departed this life Febr. the 8th 1813 aged 13 years. Also
his daughter M. Dickey Neill departed this life the 4 of August 1828 AE
5 years. Also the remains of the said Capt. William Neill of Bangor, who
departed this life 15th Novr. 1832 aged 61 years.
Erected in memory of Marcus Neill, late of Bangor, whose body lies here
interred. He departed this life 4th Septr. 1815 aged 53 years.
Erected by Robert Neill, Bangor, in memory of his father Charles Neill,
who died 11th July 1830 aged 56 years. And two of his sons, viz:-
Charles who died 7th April 1828 aged 22 years, and Hugh, aged 11 years.
Also in memory of his mother Elizabeth Neill, who died 14th July 1832
aged 58 years. Also his brother John Neill, who died 24th January 1843
aged 28 years.
Erected by John Neill, Bangor, in memory of his wife, Mary Neill alias
SOUTHWELL, who departed this life on the 29th of May 1836 aged 33 years.
Also Jane Neill his daughter, who departed this life on the 18th of July
1845 aged 20 years. And 4 of his children who died in infancy. Also the
above named John Neill who departed this life on the 6th of September
1849 aged 47 years. Also his son George Hamilton Neill who died 5th
March 1862 aged 18 years. Also his second wife Elizabeth HAMILTON who
died 18th September 1885 aged 78 years. Also his son-in-law Samuel
HESLIP who died at Bangor 22nd April 1905 aged 69 years. Also his
daughter Mary Ann H. Heslip who died at Bangor 9th June 1920 aged 82
Erected by Robert Neill of Bangor in memory of his wife Sarah Neill
alias PHILLIPS, who departed this life 25th Augt. 1841 aged 26 years.
Also his father William Neill who departed this life December 11th 1841
aged 57 years. Also the above Robert Neill who departed this life 11th
Decr. 1859 aged 48 years. Also two of his children who did in infancy.
Also his son James Neill who died 10th October 1866 aged 12 years. Also
his wife Margaret Neill alias POLLOCK who died 28th Dec. 1883 aged 71
years, Also his son Robert Alexander Neill who died the 8th of August
1902 aged 50 years. Also his four children who died in infancy. Also
Isabella, wife of above Robert A. Neill, who died on 17th January 1932,
and was interred at Mount Emblem Cemetary, Chicago, USA, aged 70 years.
[Inscription on the back:- W. B. FEGAN claims this ground].
[Badly broken - originally twin marble monuments with heavy surrounds
surmounted with draped urns, at either end of a high railed enclosure]
At East end - Erected by Charles Neill of Bangor, in memory of
his father Charles Neill who departed this life 26th February 1854 aged
56 years. Also his brother Hugh Neill who was lost on a voyage to
Constantinople 24th Novr. 1854 aged 26 years. Also his brother
Marcus Neill, on his passage to California 25th Se(pte)mber 1855 aged 19
years. Also two ch(ildr)en in infancy. Also his wife Ellen
J. . . . died 16th Aug. 1870 aged 27 years. Also his mother
Maria . . . died 29th Nov. 1887 aged 100 yr. Also the above
Charles Neill died 9th Jany. 1898 aged 68 yrs. Also three grand
children who died in infancy.
At west end - Erected by Rachel McCAULL in memory of her beloved
husband James McCaull, who departed this life 29th March 1866 aged 42
years. Also three of their children, viz:- Agnes who died 14th
June 1858 aged 6 years, Charles Hugh who died 14th August 1859 aged 2
years, and Charles who died 23rd of March 1866 aged 2 years and 7
months. In memory of our dear mother, Rachel HUMPHREY, who died
28th Dec. 1899 aged 70 years. Malcolm McCaull, son of James and
Anna McCaull, died 1st February 1904 aged 8 months. Anna McCaull,
wife of James McCaull, M.D. died 15th March 1924. James McCaull,
son of James and Rachel McCaull, died 5th November 1934 aged 75 years.
Erected by Robert Neill, in memory of his beloved wife Agnes who
departed this life Decr. 25th 1864 aged 68 years. The above named Robert
Neill died 24th Octr. 1873 aged 73 years. Sarah MULCASTER, died 23rd
Augt. 1874 aged 1 year and 9 months. In loving memory of Isabella
FERGUSON, eldest daughter of Charles Neill, who
died 4th June 1913 aged 46 years. Also in loving memory of Olivia Neill,
beloved wife of Charles Neill, died 26th November 1918.
In loving memory of Charles Neill who died 18th October 1893 aged 62
years. |
Erected by James Neill, in memory of his beloved wife Sarah, who
departed this life 7th May 1870 aged 26 years. |
Erected by John Neill in memory of his beloved wife Jane who died
13th July 1873 aged 36 years. And their son Charles, who died 15th May
1873 aged 4 years. Also two children who died in infancy. Also his son
James, who died 3rd December 1880 aged 13 years & 6 months. Also the
above named John Neill, born 23rd March 1837, died 27th October 1894.
Also his son Francis Campbell, born 13th September 1862, died 27th
September 1929. |
In memory of James Isaac Neill; born at Toronto, Canada, December 1859;
died at Bangor, Aug. 1883. |
In loving memory of David Neill, who died 3rd May 1898 aged 55 years.
His wife Henrietta who died 10th July 1896 aged 50 years. Their
son David William Neill, South African Heavy Artillery, killed in action
near La Bassee, France, 9th April 1918 aged 37 years. Interred at
the Chateau of Loisne. Also their son John Alexander who died 27th
Dec. 1956 aged 85 years.
A 3 |
1903 Erected by Francis C. Neill in loving memory of his wife
Clara, who died 13th January 1903
aged 33 years.
FY 54 |
1905 Erected by Francis C. Neill in memory of his beloved
sister Sarah Jane, who died 20th November 1905 aged 41 years.
FY 56 |
Erected in memory of Hugh Neilson, late of Conlig, who died 10th Feby.
1830 aged 84 years. Also his wife, Margaret RITCHEY, who died 19th
Feby. 1819 aged 68 years. Also two of their children. |
Erected by John Neilson of Bangor, in memory of his wife Jane Neilson,
alias RUSSELL, who departed this life July 7th 1823 aged 23 years. Also
his second wife Jane Nelson alias Russell who departed this life Decembr.
3rd 1840 aged 42 years. Also the above named John Neilson who departed
this life on the 1st day of February 1858 aged 58 years. Also seven of
his children. |
Erected by James Nelson in memory of his mother Margret Nelson,
otherwise CLARK, who departed this life July 19th 1813 aged 54 years.
Also his father Alexander Nelson who departed this life Decr. 10th 1918
aged 63 years. |
Badly flaked headstone with little inscription remaining.
Erected (by) Alex(ander Ne)lson (in memory of) his . . . who (died) . .
. . 3rd 1861 . . . . |
Sacred to the memory of Margaret Nelson – daughter of James Nelson,
who died 27th November 1918 aged 21. “ He giveth His beloved
A 110 |
Erected by Sarah Nelson, Silverstream, in memory of her husband William
Nelson who died 27th May 1881 aged 66 years. Their daughter Catherine
who died 3rd May 1862 aged 20 years. And their son Archibald who died
2nd Sept. 1885 aged 38 years. Also the above Sarah Nelson who died 14th
Sept. 1897 aged 76 yrs. And their son James Alexander who died 15th
April 1914 aged 54 years. |
Erected by Samuel Nelson of Newtownards in memory of his beloved wife
Eleanor Nelson alias WILLIAMSON who died 5th March 1865 aged 84 years.
Also of the above named Samuel Nelson who died 16th December 1872 in the
96th year of his age.
In loving memory of James Nelson, Ballymaconnell, who died 3rd
February 1961 aged 96 years.
“Absent from the body, present with the Lord”
A 111 |
In loving memory of Mary Nelson, dearly loved wife of James Nelson,
Ballymaconnell, who died 6th January 1937.
“Her children arise up and call her blessed”. Psalm CXXX1 v.28.
Also their son Herbert who died 17th October 1935. Interred
in Fort Lincoln, M.D. U.S.A.
A 113 |
Sacred to the memory of William J. Nelson who died 4th June 1915
aged 25 years.
“Father in Thy gracious keeping, leave we now our loved one sleeping”
A 112 |
In loving memory of William Nesbit who died 12 March 1927, and his
wife Martha who died 5 May 1929.
A 76 |
Erected in memory of John Newell, late of Ballyree, who departed
this life on the 21st May 1848 aged 79 years. Also his wife Elizabeth
Newell, alias SWAIL, who departed this life on the 10th of March 1860
aged 68 years. Also his daughter-in-law Elizabeth Newell, alias JORDAN,
who departed this life 14th December 1871 aged 37 years. Also his
grandson Adam Newell who departed this life, on the 6th of April 1881
aged 20 years. Also his grandson Hugh Newell who departed this life 30th
September 1884, aged 26 years. Also his grandson Robert Newell who
departed this life 22nd May 188(5) aged 16 years. Also his grandson John
Newell who died 21st March 1886 aged 30 years. Also his granddaughter
Jane Elizabeth "Lizzie" Newell who departed this life 14th March 1888
aged 23 years. Also his daughter-in-law Jane Newell who departed this
life 28th May 1891 aged 32 years. Also his grand-daughter Agnes Newell
who departed this life 8th Oct. 1891 aged 25 years.
[Inscription on the back:- This stone claims 5 graves]. |
Erected by Ellen Newell, in loving memory of her husband John Newell,
who died at Ballyree, 12th Sept. 1892 aged 62 years. Also Hugh Newell,
grandson of the above John Newell, who died at Ballyree, 4th June 1897
aged 13 years. Also the above Ellen Newell who died 10th Sept. 1902 aged
70 years. |
Erected by Hugh Newell in loving memory of his son Robert Samuel who
died 9th January 1895 aged 14 months. |
See under
Erected by James Newman, Ballycraughan, in memory of his three
grand-children:- Sarah Newman who died the 6th May 1866 aged 14 months,
and Hugh who died the 29th May 1866 aged 3 years and 6 months. Also
Elizabeth who died the 6th June 1866 aged 6 years and 6 months. Also the
above named James Newman who departed this life 9th December 1874 aged
90 years. Also his wife Elizabeth who departed this life 1st March 1875
aged 88 years. Also his grand-daughter Fannie who departed this life
27th November 1880 aged 16 years and 9 months. Also his grandson Hugh
who departed this life 18th January 1882 aged 14 years and 6 months.
Also his grand-daughter Maggie Newman who departed this life 12th
January 1883 aged 21 years. Also his grandson James Newman who departed
this life 21st July 1885 aged 19 years. Also his daughter Catherine who
departed this life 29th December 1895 aged 68 years.
J. Newman
(small stone - undated, probably of c. 1860).
FX 144 |
Erected by Jane Newman, Ballyroughan, in memory of her beloved husband
Hugh W. Newman, who died 28th February, 1884 aged 48 years. Also her
daughter Ellen who died 18th February 1897 aged 27 years. Also the above
named Jane Newman who died 8th December 1912 aged 78 years. William
Newman who died 7th December 1955 aged 83 years. Also Sarah Catherine,
last member of Newman family, who died 10th November 1956 aged 82 years. |
Here lyeth the body of William Nicholson, of Ballow, who departed this
life the 5th of April 1661 aged 74 years. Also his wife Jannet BROWN who
departed this life the 14th of Febry. 1680 aged 80 years. Here lyeth
their (grandson) Mr Willm. Nicholson who departed this life the 3rd of
Janry. 1704 aged 45 years. And his wife Eleanor DUNLOP. Also Mr Willm.
Nicholson, son to Willm Nicholson & Eleanor Dunlop, who departed this
life the 17th of June 1740 aged 41 years. Here l eth the body of Ann
Nicholson, wife of William Nicholson of Ballow, Esqr., & daughter of the
late John CLELAND of Whitehern, Esqr., in Scotland. She departed this
life the 11th July aged 34 years. Here also lieth the body of Mary
CLEELAND, alias Nicholson, alias WHITE, who died Octr. 29th 1787 aged 84
years. |
(Her)e lyeth ye body of James (Nic)holson, late of Ballymagee, who
departed this life ye 27 of December 1727 aged 64 years. Also ye body of
Margaret Nicholson, wife to Hugh DICKSON of Castleaspie who departed
this life Iuly ye 29th 1731 aged 27 years. Also ye body of Jane
Nicholson, alias ALLEN, wife to ye late James Nicholson who died y
25April 1733 aged 55 years. Also ye body of their son Francis Nicholson
who died ye 22 July 174(2) aged 31 years. Also the body of Mary
Nicholson, alias CATHERWOOD wife to James Nicholson of Bale (. . .), who
died July 17 1774 aged 50 years. |
Undated headstone, probably c. 1800.
Francis Nicholson, in Ballyfotherly. His burial ground 17 feet north. |
Sacred to the memory of Sarah, wife of John Nicholson, Bangor, who died
3rd April 1827 aged 75 years. (Also my) father John Nicholson who
departed this life the 8th May 1835 aged 89 years. |
In loving memory of James Campbell Nicholson, F.R.C.S.E. The dear
husband of Isabel Nicholson, passed away 29th October 1934 aged 62
years. And his wife Anna Isabel, died 2nd October 1959 aged 79
FX 47 |
In loving memory of John Campbell Nicholson, M.B., B.C.H., born 19th
June 1904 in the New Hebrides, died 8th October 1957, also
his wife Aline, nee Mitchell, born 13th September 1907, died
20th January 2003. And their son Dr. John Nicholson,
born 3rd February 1938 died 29th September 2014.
G 55 |
Erected by John Nicholson, Bangor,
in memory of his grandmother
Sarah Nicholson
who died 8th May 1827 aged 75 years.
Also his grandfather John Nicholson
who died 8th May 1835 aged 89 years.
Also his father John Nicholson
who died 29th June 1875 aged 83 years.
Also his mother Janet Nicholson
who died 27th May 1884 aged 89 years.
Also his brother William
who was buried at sea, 1849.
Also his brother Samuel
who died at Rio Janeiro,
11th May 1876.
Also the above named John Nicholson,
Master Mariner,
who died 19th April 1918 aged 88 years.
Also Ellen wife of above
who died 3rd January 1931 aged 90 years.
Also their daughter Janet Marion Nicholson
who died 11th May 1940 aged 59 years.
[Carved hand pointing heavenwards with the legend 'Time is short' at
top of headstone]
Erected by Rev. S. Nicholson, Methodist Minister of Ballyclare, late of
Bangor, in memory of his children who died there:- Sarah Jane Hall died
on 3rd March 1861 aged 6 years & 8 months; Samuel John died on 22nd
March 1861 aged 2 years & 2 months; Caroline Matilda Baggaly died 24th
April 1861 aged 13 years & 9 months. In loving memory of the above
named Rev. S Nicholson, for nearly fifty years Minister of the Methodist
New Connexion, who fell asleep in Jesus, June 22nd 1887, at Ashfield,
Lisburn, in the 77th year of his age. "And they that be wise shall
shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to
righteousness, as the stars for ever and ever". Dan. XII, 3.
Entered into rest 13th March 1903, Margaret, wife of above, aged
eighty-eight years. "They sleep in Jesus who is the Resurrection &
the life, expecting to rise & meet him in the morning".
Erected by John Nicholson of Bangor in memory of his beloved wife
Isabella who departed this life 28th July 1862 aged 32 years. |
Erected by Samuel Nicholson in memory of his wife Jane Nicholson alias
FINLAY who died 7th July 1864 aged 56 years. |
Here lueth the body of Huch Nicolson of Ballyenaghie, gent, and the body
of his wife Isabel ORR who survived him many years, and died Anno Domini
1696. Also the body of theit grandson Hugh Nicholson of Ballow, gent,
elder son of William Nicholson of Ballow, gent, and his wife Eleanor
DUNLOP. He was born 1st Novr. 1697, and died 25th August 1722. Here
lieth the body of Mr Hugh Nicholson eldest son of Willm. Nicholson of
Ballow, gent, and his wife Mary WHYTE. He died anno domini 1743 aged 17
years. And the body of his sister Margaret, wife of Robert STEELE, gent.
She died 22nf May 1805. And the body of her son Robert Steele of
Belfast, gent, attorney, who was born 22nd March 1773 and died in
December 1806. |