[Low -set round-headed headstone - topped altar tomb with
next three in a low-railed enclosure]
Susanna Jacksons |
Tim. 3, 16 |
Dust lys here |
Who Jesus Christ |
John, 5, 23 |
As God did fear |
John says that Jesus |
John, 5, 20 |
Christ is the true God |
And that three are |
8, ver. 7 |
One he doth record |
It's the white stone |
Rev. 2, 17 |
with the new name |
Rev. 3, 12 |
Is the I am |
Exod. 3, 14 |
The three in one |
Mal. 28, 9 |
And one in three |
John. 10, 30. |
I'm gone to praise |
Rev. 5, 12 |
Through eternity |
Said S. J. alias NICHOLSON, wife to Hugh Jackson of
Ballywoolly composed the above 1757 & died 14th Novr. 1775 aged
46 years. And Hugh Jackson died the 17th December 1800
aged 84 years. Also their daughter Sarah Jackson who died
30th Jany. 1842 aged 82 years.
E 29 |
Intered here are the bodys of James Jackson of Ballywooly, Sarah
Jackson his wife, Jas. Jackson and Cathrin Jackson their son and
daughter. Also James Jackson who depd. this life Octbr.
16th 177(7) aged 24 years. Also William Nicholson Jackson
who died on Tuesday the 6th day of October 1829 aged 73 years,
brother to the above named James Jackson, both being sons of
Hugh and Susanna Jackson late of Ballywooly.
E 31 |
Erected in memory of Martha Eliza Jackson, who departed this
life 30th Septr. 1815 aged 15 years. Also Jane, relict of
the late W. Jackson, of Ballywooly Esq. who died 7th December
1838 aged 79 years. |
E 28 |
Erected by her mother, in memory of Jane Jackson late of
Ballywooly, who died on Saturday, the 15th of May 1824 aged 25
years. Also Hugh Jackson M.D. her brother who died 25th March 1837
aged 45 years.
E 30 |
Sacred to the memory of Robert Jackson, late Captain in H.M.'s
68th Regt., who departed this life (11)th August 1856 in the
69th (year) of his age. Also Elizabeth J. Jackson,
daughter of above who died at Holywood, 28th Sep. 1886 aged 62
years. "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord". Rev.
XIV, 13.
D 8 |
Erected by Ja(ne J)ackson in memor(y of her) beloved husband
Joh(n Jack)son of Ballo, who dep(arted t)his life 20th May 1866
(age)d 40 y(ears). Also Tho(mas Jackson, son of (t)he
above, died (14th May) 188(.) ag(ed .1) years. Also (the)
abov(e Jan)e JOHNST(ON alias) Jac(kson) who died on (the) 6th
June (1886) age(d) 61 (years. Also her son William Jackson
who died 7th March 1921 aged 73 years. Als)o Ma(rgare)t J(acks)on
nee M(...)re (.......) wife (....) William (.....) Ro(...... Fe)bruar(y ....) aged (7)2 years. And their dau(ghter
J)an(e wh)o died 8th June 192(4 ag)ed (..) years.
[Inscription on back: This stone claims 3 graves one on
each side]
FW 9 |
Erected in memory of Elizabeth Jamison of Bangor who died 21st
September 1813 aged 31 years. Also her husband, Moses
Jamison who died 1st January 1832 aged 68 years. Also
their son William Jamison who died 26th September 1845 aged 37
(years). Also their daughter Margaret Jamison CLARKE who
died 14th May 1884 aged 77 years.
I 3 |
Erected by Elizabeth Ja(mison, of Ballysallagh, to) the memory
of her husband (Willi)am Jamison who departed this life July
(18)th 184(3) aged 5(7 years). Also his infant (child).
"Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord". (Joseph)
Jamison, su(ccessor to above.) Also my son Thomas John
Jamison who died 24th October 188(.) aged (17) years. Also
my daughter Elizabeth Jamison who died 8th September 1888 aged
H 113 |
In memory of Robert Jamison who died at Ballysallagh 17th June
1902. Also his daughters, Jane Jamison who died 3rd March
1896, Sarah Jamison died 30th December 1896, Eleanor Jamison
died 3rd December 1899, Martha Ross Jamison died 4th February
1904, Alice Jamison died 3rd November 1914. Erected by
Mary Jamison, wife of above. Mary Jamison died 27th
January 1932. Minnie WHYTE died 25th March 1956.
A 55 |
Sacred to the memory of the Rev. Henry George Johnson, A.M. who
was for 23 years incumbent of this parish and afterwards Rector
of Drumgath in this county. Born Feb. 9th 1802: died
August 14th 1856. "Yea though I walk through the valley of
the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me:
Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me". Psal. XXIII, 4.
"We shall go to him, but he shall not return to us". 2 Sam. XII.
D 29 |
Sacred to the memory of Millicent Sackvilla Elizabeth, the
beloved child of the Rev. H.G. Johnson, born December 27th 1840,
died January 11th 1848. "Suffer the little children to
come unto me, and forbid them not; for of such is the Kingdom of
God". St. Mark X. 14. "Jesus said unto her, I am the
Resurrection and the Life" St. John XI, 25. Also of
Margaret Sarah, relict of the Rev. H. G. Johnson who died at
Florence 12th May 1879 aged 73 years.
D 30 |
Erected by John Johnson of Connecticut in memory of his beloved
parents, his father John Johnson died 20th September 1861 aged
56 years. His mother Sarah Johnson died 22nd February 1873
aged 60 years. His sister Sarah died October 25th 1865
aged 15 years. Also five of their children who died in
B 15 |
Erected by Elizabeth Johnston in memory of her husband Robert
Johnston who died 18th February 1870 aged 69 years.
B 16 |
Erected by Jane Johnston of Bangor
in memory of her husband John Johnston
who departed this life
28th Febr. 1816 aged 31 years,
Also her son James Johnston
who departed this life 12th Augt.1812
aged 1 year & 11 months.
Also her daughter Sophia Johnston
who departed this life
15th June 1836 aged 27 years.
"Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord"
Also the aforesaid Jane Johnston
who departed this life
5th of December 1846 aged 67 years.
FY 35 |
Here lieth the body of Robert Johnston of Bangor, who departed this life
Octr. 27th 1821 aged 43 years.
G 253 |
Erected by Robert (?) Johnston of Cottown who departed this life
1748. Also his son John Johnston, Ballymaconnell who departed this
life 1787. Also Robert Johnston, Portaferry, who departed this
life 14th December 1828 aged 74 years.
G 69 |
[Next to
Iannet Iohnston's stone].
Erected in memory of John Johnston late of Ballyhome, who departed this
life on the 12th of July 1823 aged 52 years. Also their two
daughters, viz:- Elizabeth who died on the 20th December 1823 aged 18
years, and Margaret who died on the 23rd October 1824 aged 16 years.
Also six infant children. Also John Alexander their son who
departed this life on the 9th of May 1835 aged 33 years. Also
James Johnston their son who died on the 13th July 1837 aged 37 years.
Also their son Hugh Woods Johnston who died on the 20th April 1850 aged
33 years.
FZ 69 |
Erected by William Johnston, Bangor, in memory of his father Robert
Johnston who died 17th Sept. 1833 aged 57 years. Also the remains
of his mother Alice Johnston, alias STRICKLAND, who departed this life
the 12th May 1835 aged 65 years. Also Jane McMAHON, wife to his
brother John, who died 6th July 1856 aged 54 years. The above John
Johnston died on his voyage to Aden on the 3rd Novr. 1856 aged 59 years.
Also Caroline Johnston, daughter of John, who died the 4th Feby. 1859
aged 17 years. Also Sarah Johnston, daughter to John, who died the
1st August 1862 aged 34 years. Also Jenny R., wife of William
Johnston, son to the above John Johnston, who died 28th February 1899
aged 72 years. Also Robert Johnston, son to the above John
Johnston, who died in Queensland, Australia, born 1832, died 1900.
[Inscription on the back:- one grave south]
G 275 |
In memory of Sarah Johnston of Saint Stephen, New Brunswick, who died
whilst on a visit to Ireland, on 11th March 1868 aged 25 years.
FX 150 |
Here lies the remains of Ann Jones who departed this life 6th January
1810 AE 56 years. "Memento Mori". Martha Jones, beloved wife
of Alexander Jones, died 22nd May 1928. "Worthy of remembrance".
H 71 |
Erected by John Jordan of Balloo,
in memory of his beloved daughter
Anna Sophia,
who departed this life 2nd October 1857
aged 2 years and 11 months.
Also his mother Agnes Jordan
who departed this life 18th July 1882
aged 86 years.
Also his father Hugh Jordan
who departed this life 16th Febr. 1886
aged 89 years.
Also the above named John Jordan
who departed this life
on the 25th November 1892 aged 69 years.
Also his wife Mary Jordan
who departed this life
on the 29th March 1899 aged 79 years.
Also his son Hugh Jordan
who departed this life
on the 25th September 1900 aged 43 years.
B 12 |
(Obelisk) The
Rt. Hon. Sir John Newell Jordan, G.C., M.C., G.C.I.E., K.C.B., British
Minister to China, died 14th September 1925 aged 73 years. Interred in
Putney Vale Cemetery, London. Robert Jordan died 30th August 1926 aged
75 years. Interred in Auckland Cemetery, New Zealand.
(On side obelisk) In memory of John Jordan of Balloo who died 25th
November 1892 aged 69 years, and his wife Mary who died 29th March 1899
aged 79 years, also their daughter Anna Sophia aged 2 years and 11
months, also their son Hugh Jordan who died 25th September 1900 aged 43
Erected by their daughter Sophia Moore, Bangor Demesne.
B 11 |
Erected by Thomas Hamilton Jordan and Jane Mathews Jordan in loving
memory of their father Philip Jordan, died 7th January 1892 aged 57
years. Their mother Annie Hamilton Jordan, relict of the above
Philip Jordan, died 23rd December 1923 aged 93 years. Their
brothers:- James Hamilton Jordan died 1st November 1862, aged 2 years
and 4 months; Robert Simms Jordan died 11th May 1874 aged 2 years and 6
months; James Andrew Jordan, M.R.C.V.S, died 15th June 1920 aged 55
years, interred at Dundonald. Also their daughter Jane Mathews
Jordan died 31st May 1942 aged 79 years. Mary Knox Jordan, dearly
loved wife of Thomas H. Jordan, died 11th May 1944 aged 77 years.
Also Thomas Hamilton Jordan died 18th May 1945 aged 77 years.
"With Christ, which is far better".
64 |