Sacred to the memory (of James Lamb of) Ballygilbert who died Janry.
(8th 1826) aged 7(3) years. (Also his wife A)nn who di(ed the)
same day two hours after (her) husband aged 76 ye(ars). Also their
son William who died Febry. 16th 1819 aged 36 years.
FW 57 |
Here lieth the body of Jane Lamont, alias CLARKE, wife to Nevin Lamont
of Ballyree who departed this life January the 7th 1811 aged 31 years.
I 35 |
lieth the body of
Lettetia Lamont who departed this life Febr. the 28th 1785 aged 16
years. Also Jean Lamont who departed this life Sept. the 23rd 1798 aged
22 years, daughters of Andrew Lamont, of Ballyree. Also Andrew
Lamont, son of the above Andrew Lamont, who died 4th March 1860 aged 74
years. And his wife Jane CAMPBELL. Also six of his
daughters:- Elizabeth, Letitia, Ellen, Agnes, Mary Ann & Nessy.
His son John died 26th May 1885 aged 66 years. Also Jane, wife of
the above John Lamont, died 2nd March 1897.
G 283 |
Erected by Alexander Lamont, of Ballygrainey, in memory of his mother
Elizabeth Lamont, alias McWHINNEY, who departed this life 29th July 1846
aged 52 years. Also his father Nevin Lamont who departed this life
29th Decr. 1846 aged 70 years.
I 36 |
Erected by Andrew Lamont, Ballyholme, in memory of his daughters :- Mary
Agnes, born 8th May 1854, died 10th Dec. 1855; Charlotte Parry, born 9th
Feb. 1860, died 22nd May 1861; Ann Elizabeth, born 9th Nov. 1861 died
12th Aug. 1883. Also his son William Andrew, born 18th September
1863, died 28th August 1891 at Auckland, New Zealand. And of his
son John Alexander Campbell who died at Edendale, Auckland, N.Z., August
2nd 1894 aged 29 years. Also his wife Jane Catherwood McKEE, born
July 9th 1829, died June 15th 1912. Also the above named Andrew
Lamont who died 17th November 1912.
G 281 |
In memory of John Leck who died at Bangor on the 25th February 1881 aged
33 years. And to Letitia, wife of John Leck and James H. RAINEY,
died 3rd May 1922. "For so he giveth his beloved sleep".
A 36 |
[Small slate headstone against buttress supporting the church tower]
Here lyeth ye body of John Lecky husbant to ye under named Jane who died
January ye 27 1762 agd 91 yrs. Here lyeth ye body of Iane Lecky
alies ROSS who died Iany. 1st 1739/40 aged 65 years.
FX 94 |
[Small marble tablet in a sandstone surround lying flat beside
Henry HOPPER's stone].
In memory of Holland Lecky, of Castle Lecky, Co. Derry and Ballyholland
House, Co. Down, who died at Armagh on the 12 October 1854 aged 60
years. His remains lie here interred with those of his eldest son
Holland Hyacinth Lecky who died at Holywood on the 14 May 18(3)9 aged 21
years. This tablet is erected by Squire, son of the first named.
A 71 |
Erected by John Ledgerwood, of Groomsport, in memory of his son John who
departed this life July 22nd 1821 aged 23 years. Inscribed by
James CAMPBELL in memory of his wife Eliza Jane Campbell alias
Ledgerwood, grand-daughter to the above who died 5th May 1893 aged 33
years. Also his daughter Eliza Jane who died young.
This stone claims 4 graves, 2 on each side.
I 37 |
Jacob Lee died 14th Septr. 1822 aged 53 years. His wife Mary died
10th Novr. 1835 aged 69 years. Anna Marie, the wife of Joseph Lee,
died 10th October 1848 aged 45 years. Their two infant daughters
died 12th March 1828. Their only son Edward W. Lee died 28th
August 1867 aged 40 years. Joseph Lee died July 1872 aged 69
C 8 |
Erected by Robert Legge in memory of his 4 daughters, Jane aged 11,
Lizzie aged 14, Sarah aged 19, Lucy aged 5, also the above named Robert
Legge, who died 27th March 1907, also his wife Ann Jane Legge who died
1st March 1915 aged 85 years, also their daughter Ellen died 24th June
1925, also their daughter Mary died 21 September 1927.
FW 23 |
IHS G. Leonard [small undated headstone beside Eleanor SHORT's -
probably c. 1870]
FY 20 |
Erected to the memory of the Rev. John Levingston, B.A., who died 3rd
March 1936 aged 79 years.
'I need no priest but Jesus' 'Thou O Christ art all I want' 'I
shall be satisfied when I awake with Thy likeness' Psalm XV11. 15
Also his wife, May, died
18th May 1982.
At rest
A 85 |
Sacred to the memory of Grace Lightbody, wife to Samuel Lightbody of
Holywood, who departed this life the 21st of July 1814 aged 35 years.
G 124 |
Erected by Agnes Lightbody, Ballyree, in memory of her husband John
Lightbody, who died 4th June 1882 aged 50 years. Also Agnes, wife
of the above John Lightbody, who died 26th February 1917 aged 80 years.
Also Madge, daughter of James and Matilda Lightbody, who died 10th
September 1918 aged 17 months. Also the above James Lightbody who
died 8th November 1960 aged 86 years. Also Matilda, beloved wife
of above James Lightbody, who died 27th May 1964 aged 85 years.
[Inscription on back - This stone claims 3 graves].
I 95 |
Erected by John Lightbody in memory of his son John who was drowned at
sea, 1887 aged 16 years. Also his son Albert who died 24th Oct.
1900 aged 21 years. Also the above named John Lightbody who died
23rd May 1925 aged 81 years. Also his wife Anna who died 6th Feb.
1927 aged 84 years.
H 117 |
In loving memory of James Lightbody, died 11th June 1928. Also his
wife Mary died 14th January 1918. [Continued on enclosure]
Also his sons, Robert, died 5th August 1889, James A. died 15th June
1928. Also his sister-in-law Martha MORROW died 4th September
1933. Also his sister-in-law Eliza Morrow died 9th January 1906.
A 2 |
Erected in loving memory of Lizzie Lilley who died 26th July 1890 aged
22 years. Also her brother William Lilley died 20th Feb. 1905 aged
46 years. And his son Charles who was drowned 18th March 1907 aged
17 years.
A 83 |
Erected by Patrick Lindsay in memory of his wife
Elizabeth Lindsay
departed this life
the 7th of October 1824 aged 29 years.
Also her son Samuel Lindsay
departed this life 5th July 1821
aged 5 months.
Also his son John Lindsay
who died the
11th June 1836 aged 7 years.
Also his daughter Mary Lindsay who died the 9th Novr. 1838
aged 16 years.
Also his father William Lindsay
who died the 18th March 1840
Aged 72 years.
Also his son John Lindsay
who died the 17th July 1849
Aged 11 years.
Also his grand-daughter Elizabeth Lindsay
who died the 2nd Feby. 1852 Aged 3 years.
Also his son Samuel Lindsay,
father to Elizabeth, who died the
24th March 1852 aged 25 years.
Also Esther Lindsay, daughter to
Thomas Lindsay, Dunlady, who died 12th March 1873 aged 39 years.
G 88 |
Erected by John Lindsay of Carnelea, in memory of his daughter Sarah,
who died 10th Aug. 1830 aged 17 years. Also his son John who died
13th June 1840 aged 16 years. Also his wife Sophia Lindsay alias
McMECHAN, who departed this life 3rd Octr. 1840 aged 57 years.
Also his son Patrick who died at Demerara, on the 30th May 1837 aged 24
FX 139 |
Erected by Samuel Lindsay of Dunladdy, in memory of Samuel Lindsay his
father who died 16th Feb. 1836 aged 78 years. Also Phoebe Lindsay
his mother who died 11th August 1837 aged 79 years. Also here
lieth the remains of his son Hill Lindsay who departed this life on the
14th of November in the year of our Lord 1851 aged 20 years.
Our Lord and Savour Jesus Christ
Did call him home to heaven.
He heard his voice, with joy he prayed to God
His sins were all forgiven.
Also his son James Lindsay who died the 25th of March 1859 aged 23
This heart is no longer the seat
Of trouble and torturing pain.
It ceases to flutter and beat
It never shall flutter again.
Also his son Samuel Lindsay who died the 18th of March 1864 aged 20
years. Also his wife Agnes Lindsay who died the 22nd of Novr. 1864
aged 50 years. Also the above Samuel Lindsay who departed this
life in the year of our Lord 1870 aged 71 years.
[Inscription on the back:- This stone claims 3 graves].
G 91 |
Sacred to the memory of Patrick Lindsay of Dunladdy who departed this
life 7th June 1840 aged 82 years. Also his son Patrick Lindsay who
died 25th Septr. 1837 aged 37 years.
G 87 |
Erected in memory of David Lindsay in memory of his father Patrick
Lindsay of Belfast who departed this life the 17th May 1859 aged 66
years. Also of his son William Lindsay who departed this life the
9th November 1861 aged nine months. Also of his wife Sarah Ann
Lindsay who departed this life on the 26th September 1865 aged 26 years.
David Lindsay died July 26th 1868 aged 36 years. Also his mother
Elizabeth Lindsay, relict of Patrick Lindsay of Belfast, died 8th
December 1880 aged 81 years. Kathleen Mabel THOMAS, born June 24th
1878, died August 26th 1892, great grand-daughter of the above Patrick
G 89 |
Erected in memory of David Lindsay of Dunlady who died 12th March 1909
aged 81 years. Also his son David Lindsay who died 25th Sept. 1903
aged 39 years. Also Esther, wife of Thomas Lindsay, who died 19th
June 1897 aged 31 years. Also Jane Lindsay, wife of the above
named David Lindsay, who died 17th October 1914 aged 81 years.
Also James Lindsay, son of the above named David Lindsay and beloved
husband of Isabella Lindsay, died 18th Jan. 1944. Also Isabella
his beloved wife died 14th Oct. 1952.
I 90 |
Erected by his son David Linsey. Samuel Linsey who departed this
life Decr. 19th 1810 aged 86 years. Also Rosanna Lindsay, wife to
David Lindsay, who departed this life Febr. the 12th 1827 aged 66 years.
Also David Lindsay of Dunladdy, who departed this life 6th Octr. 1857
aged 87 years. Also Esther Lindsay, daughter to Thomas Lindsay,
Dunlady, who died 12th March 1873 aged 39 years. Also the above
Thomas Lindsay of Dunlady who died 15th February 1881 aged 81 years. Also Mary
Lindsay, who died 12th August 1894 aged 56 years.
G 90 |
Erected in memory of James Linton, late of Cottown, who died aged 14
years, 2nd July 1816. Also Jane Linton, who departed this life 9th
April 1827 aged 34 years. Also their father James Linton who died
the 11th Feb. 1837 aged 74 years.
FW 53 |
Erected by Hugh Lockart of Bangor in memory of his son, Henry Lockart,
who departed this life on the 14th January 1840 aged 20 years.
Also his daughter Susanna Lockart, who departed this life on the 16th
December 1847 aged 21 years. "She fell asleep in Christ and heard
his voice saying Come". Also his wife Ellen Lockart, who departed
this life June 7th 1855 aged 74 years. "She fell a sleep, resting
on Jesus". Also the above named Hugh Lockart who departed this
life 3rd Novr. 1865 aged 86 years. Also Jane Lockart, died 31st
Decr. 1885 aged 76 years. "She fell asleep resting on Jesus".
Also his son William Lockart who departed this life 14th October 1893
aged 88 years.
FW 58 |
Erected by Rose Lockhart in memory of her beloved husband, Captain Hans
FERGUSON, who departed this life 2nd July 1886 aged 69 years. Also
the above named Rose Lockart, wife of Alexander WARDEN, Cottown, who
died 3rd Jan. 1892 aged 81 years.
FW 59 |
Here lyeth ye body of Alexandr Logan, (Inn-k)eeper in Bangor who died
(.)0th of Octr. 1740 aged 60 years. Also ye body of his wife
Susana Logan alias SHERIFF who died ye 27th of April 1727 aged 50 years.
FX 48 |
Erected by Hamilton Logan
of Bally-mullan in memory of his wife
Jane Logan
who departed this life 21st January 1851
aged 70 years.
The above Hamilton Logan died 18 [blank],
His son Joseph Logan died 18 [blank].
Grace, wife of Joseph Logan, died 18 [blank].
D 22 |
Here lyeth ye body of George Logon who died October 11th 1726 aged 75
years. Here lyeth also his wife Agnes CROOKSHANKS woh [sic] died
February 5th 1715 aged 53 years. Here lyeth ye body of Alexander
Logon who died Iune 1th 1744 aged 48 years. Here lyeth the body of
Hans Logon, late of Nt'Ards, mercht., who departed this life the 3rd
Oct., anno 1799 aged 82 years. Also his son Alexr. Logon, who
departed this life the 11th August 1801 aged 46 years. Also his
son John Logon, who departed this life the 12th February 1817 aged 78
FX 49 |
John, son of Hugh Wallace Lonsdale, died 4th October 1993, aged 55
G 272 |
Erected by James Loudon of Ballysallagh in memory of his beloved and
lamented wife Eliza who died the 23rd of April 1838 aged 32 years.
And of his daughter Catherine who died the 18th of April 1838 aged 11
years. James Loudon, who erected this monument, died on the 15th
April 1840 aged 42 years. "I am the Resurrection and the Life,
saith the Lord, he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall
he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die". John
VI. 25, 26.
C 5 |
Here lyeth the body of Andrew Lowdan who departed this life the 1 day of
Febry. 1765 aged 78 years. Also the body of Iohn Lowden, who
departed this life July the 8th 1805 aged 53 years. Also the body
of William Lowden, son of Andrew Lowdan who died 16th Septr. 1842 aged 9
years. Also Agnes, daughter of Alexander BEATTIE, and
grand-daughter of Andrew Lowden, who died 5th April 1882 aged 14 years.
And her brother Alexander died 3rd May 1882 aged 11 years.
FY 22 |
Erected by Samuel Lowden in memory of his beloved father Arthur Lowden
who departed this life May 24th 1847 aged 64 years. His beloved
mother Jane, PATTERSON, Lowden who departed this life March 1863 aged 71
years. Also his brothers and sisters, vis:- Jane Lowden,
Patterson, who died in America, May 14th 1883 aged 72 years; James
Lowden who died in Australia, March 8th 1870 aged 49 years; Arthur
Lowden, who died in America, April 18th 1879 aged 63 years, & James,
Ellen & John Lowden who died in infancy. "Blessed are the dead
which die in the Lord".
FZ 38 |
Here lyeth Iohn Lowramer who died 1736 aged 78. Here lyeth ye body
of Androw BROWN who died Febuary the 12 1771 aged 73 years.
I 24 |
Erected by
John Lowrie
in memory of his father
John Lowrie
who died
11 June 1898
"Gone but not forgotten".
E 4 |
Agnes Lowry, died on July 4th 1939.
A 90 |
Erected by William Lowry in memory of his wife Eliza Sarah, who died
20th May 1852 aged 23 years. Here also are interred the remains of
the above William Lowry who departed this life 1st October 1852 aged 27
[Inscription on the plinth:- This ground is now the property of
George SHANKS of Helen's Bay, 12th Jan. 1903].
G 207 |
[Undated and broken headstone, not in original position, of
c. 1840].
Erected by James Lowry Bally(sallagh).
G 32 |
Erected by James Lowry of Belle Vue in memory of his mother, Mary Lowry,
died 12th April 1892 aged 79 years. Also his brother Hugh Lowry,
died 15th August 1870 aged 19 years. Also his brother William
Lowry, died 26th May 1871 aged 22 years.
FW 60 |
In memory of Letitia LEECH, alias Lyons of Bangor, wife to James Lyons,
who departed this life August 27th A.D. 177(4) aged (5)0 years.
Also James Lyons of Bangor, husband to the above Letitia, who departed
this life December 25th A.D. 1774 aged 60 years. Also Samuel
Lyons, son of said James, who departed this life the 6th of April 1811
aged 68 years. Sacred to the memory of Samuel Lyons of Bangor who
departed this life Feb. 20th 1832 aged 52 years. Also Margaret
Lyons alias BREW, daughter of Thomas Brew Esqr. C.P. of Aragon-mooar,
Isle of Man, and wife of the above, who departed this life 10th Jan.
1827 aged 31 years. Also three of their children, Eliza Jane, who
died March 10th 1831 and was interred at KK. St. Ann, Isle of Man, aged
15 years. James died 23rd Decr. 1828 aged 6 years. Sarah
died 9th Febr. 1827 aged 5 months. Also Sarah Lyons, senr., who
died 9th April 1827 aged 90 years. Thomas Brew Lyons, eldest son
of the above Samuel Lyons, who departed this life in Ipswich,
Queensland, Australia, 1(5)th July 189(3) aged 76 years. Samuel G.
N. Lyons, died 1st January 1916 aged 95 years.
E 10 |
Burying ground of David and Alice Lytle.
A 57 |
In memory of Isabella Lytle - 28/6/1934, husband William - 20/5/1939.
G 40 |
[Undated iron shield of c. 1880 on a low railing]
The family burying ground of William Lyttle, Bangor.
Erected by a number of friends as a tribute to the memory
of W. G. Lyttle,
founder and editor of the
'North Down Herald'.
Born at Newtownards, 15th April 1844,
died at Bangor 1st November 1896.
"A man of rare natural gifts, he raised himself to a high position among
the journalists of Ireland. He was a brilliant and graceful
writer, a true humourist and an accomplished poet. Robin was a
kind friend, a genial companion and a true son of County Down".
[On east side]
Interred Nov. 3 1896, deeply mourned by his sorrowing wife and children.
"Oh for the touch of a vanished hand, and the sound of a voice that's
A 9 |