This stone was erected by James Fergison of Sandyrow, Bangor, in
memory of three of his children.[Inclining and undated headstone
- probably of c. 1800]
H 142 |
I 71 |
John Ferguson [3 graves]
G 78 |
Erected by Maggie Ferguson in loving memory of her husband Thomas
Ferguson Master of ‘S.S. Tenet’
Lost at sea 29 October 1912 |
I 28 |
Here lyeth ye body of Maron Ferguson alias BLAIR who died Aug
1 1737 aged 67 years.
FW 3 |
Erected by Jane Ferguson of Newtownards, in memory of her beloved
husband Andrew Ferguson, who departed this life on the 4th Nov. 1839
aged 42 years. Also of her son Samuel Ferguson, who departed
this life, on the 3rd Jan. 1850 aged 21 years. Also of her
daughter Ellenor Jane Ferguson who died 18th Feb. 1852 aged 19
years. And her son Hugh Ferguson who died 23rd Jan. 1853 aged
28 years. Likewise the said Jane, wife to the above named
Andrew Ferguson, who died on the 15th September 1854 aged 17 years.
FW 84 |
Erected by Agnes Ferguson of Bangor, in memory of her beloved
husband John Ferguson who died 27th August 1849 aged 35 years.
H 141 |
Erected by Mathew Ferguson in loving remembrance of his wife Annie
who departed this life 27th May 1885 aged 28 years. "In life,
loved by all; in death, mourned by all; Rest in peace." Also
their daughter Maggie who died 26th December 1881 aged 2 years.
Also their daughter Annie who died 15th October 1886 aged 3 years.
Also their beloved mother Annie Ferguson who died 4th January 1889
aged 62 years. Also in loving remembrance of his son Robert,
2nd Canadian Contingent, killed in action 6th June 1916 aged 30
years. Also the above named Matthew Ferguson, master mariner,
died 5th Nov. 1932 aged 82 years. Also his wife Elizabeth
Ferguson, died 26th March 1938.
G 219 |
Erected by John A Ferguson in memory of his beloved wife Mary who
fell asleep in Jesus 29th March 1883 aged 45 years. Also his
daughters, Eleanor Louise, died 28th September 1897 aged 21 years,
Mary died 23rd December 1905 aged 38 years. His wife Jane died
7th December 1903 aged 59 years. And of the above John A
Ferguson died 7th May 1909 aged 71 years. Maggie Ferguson died
21st July 1928. Robert James Ferguson died 26th September 1931
aged 57 years.'He that believeth in Me hath everlasting life'
John VI c., 47 v.
FX 13 |
Erected by their family in loving remembrance of their father
Captain Joseph Ferguson, lost at sea 25th December 1895 aged 44
years. Also their mother Agnes Ferguson who died 29th May 1911
aged 55 years. Also of their daughter Josephine who died in
infancy. And of Isabella CHRISTIE, aunt of the above named
Agnes Ferguson, who died 27th May 1909 aged 82 years. Also
Joseph Ferguson, son of Thomas Ferguson, born 31st July 1917, died
13th December 1917. Also their daughter Annie who died 29th
December 1958. Also her sisters, Hester Ferguson died 10th
November 1962, Isabella Ferguson, died 23rd May 1964.
H 14 |
Erected by Margaret Ferris in loving memory of her husband William
John Ferris who died 1st April 1893 aged 35 years. Also the
above Margaret Ferris who died 22nd January 1946 aged 80 years.
Also their daughter Sarah Jane Ferris, born 8th May 1893, died 25th
May 1961.
A 41 |
[Twin headstones in a high-railed enclosure with dividing rail in
the middle].Here lie deposited the earthly remains of Louisa,
the beloved wife of the Rev. William Filgate, who departed this life
in the faith and hope of the Gospel, on the 23rd day of June 1943
aged 33 years.
Sacred to the memory of Mary Ann SYMES, daughter of the late Dr.
Symes of Hillbrook, Co. Wicklow, died A.D. 1863 aged 91. "When
Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall we also appear
with Him in glory." Col. III, 4.
FY 1
FY 2 |
loving memory of James dearly loved husband of Jane A. Finlay died 5
July 1946 also the above Jane A. Finlay died 19 January 1957
(At Bottom) Finlay
FY 48 |
[Slate headstone now flat in a low-railed enclosure, together
with a modern carved headstone].
Here lyeth the body of James Finlay late of Ballysallagh who
departed this life May 24th 1762 aged 46 years.
Also thre of his children, viz:- Hugh, Elizth & Sarah.
In memory of Robert Finlay of Ballysallagh, who died 2nd August 1890
aged 73 years. Also his wife Eliza Finlay who died 9th
November 1913 aged 87 years. Here also are interred the father
and mother of the above Robert Finlay and many generations of their
FZ 11
FZ 10 |
[Large sandstone slab now upright, which was probably the top of
an altar-tomb].Here lieth the body of Iames Finlay of
Ballyminitrah who departed this life Sepr. the 12th 1779 aged 81
years. Here lieth the body of Iames Finlay of Ballyminitrah,
son of the above, who departed this life Janry. the 2 1804 AE 74
years. Here lieth the body of Jane Finlay, otherwise ROSS, who
departed this life the 6th day of January 1770 aged 59 years.
William Finlay of Cottown died 23rd August 1826 aged 86 years.
Also his son William Finlay died 18th March 1827 aged (4)8 years.
Also James Finlay of Lower Balloo who died on the 6th of January
1865 aged 80 years. Also his wife Maria Finlay who died on the
18th of March 1866 aged 81 years. Also James Finlay of Balloo
who died 26th May 1898 aged 76 years. Also Isabella Finlay who
died 2nd Sept. 1904 aged 85 years.
FY 49 |
[Sandstone headstone flaking very badly]Here lieth the body of
(William) Finlay, late of Ballygrott (who) departed this life April
19(th 1779) aged 52 yea(rs. Also the body of his wife M . . .
alias B . . . who) departed (this life . . . 1817) aged (75) years.
Erected by Sa(muel) CLOTWORTHY in memory of his grand(father) John
Finlay who died at (Canada 19th June) 1876 aged 100 years.
Also his grandmother Jane Finlay who died 2nd Sep. 1848 aged 70
[Inscription on the back: This stone claims 3 graves, 3 north and 2
FZ 28 |
Erected by Catherine Finlay in memory of her husband John Finlay
died 10 February 1930 Aged 76 years,
and the above named Catherine Finlay died 8 February 1934 Aged 74
FZ 15 |
Here lies the Body of
Elinor Finley who Dep this
Life Sept. the 27th 1791 AE 22 years.
G 50 |
[Large carved monument in a low-railed, low-stone enclosure -
beside next]Erected as a tribute of gratitude by her children to
the memory of their beloved mother Isabella Finlay of Crawfordsburn, obt.
25th Jan. 1837 AE 45. Also of their grandfather William Finlay of
Ballymullen, obt. 17th Oct. 1833 AE 92. Also their father William
Finlay who died at St. Andrews, N.B. on the 8th Sepr. 1845 aged 64
years. Also their sister Juliana who died 21st March 1846, aged 29
years. Also their brother-in-law Capn. Alexr. CAMPBELL who died at
Quebec on the 5th Sepr. 1849 aged 37 years. Also their brother
Capn. James Finlay who died 4th April 1852 aged 40 years. Also
their sister Mary who died on the 4th Sepr. 1853 aged 35 years.
Also their sister Jane, widow of the late Capn. Campbell who died 27th
Nov. 1889 aged 76 years.
FZ 13 |
[Sandstone headstone in a low-stone enclosure with the above].
Erected by Eliza Finlay, Ballymullen, in memory of her beloved husband
Andrew Finlay, Ballymullen, in memory of her beloved husband Andrew
Finlay who departed this life July 26 1869 aged 66 years. Also her
daughter, Ellen Finlay who died December 5th 1866 aged 17 years.
Also her daughter Margaret Finlay who died July 5th 1870 aged 19 years.
Also Elizabeth Finlay who died at Ballymullan, February 24th 1885 aged
68 years. Also her grandson John Finlay, son of John Finlay, who
died 11th July 1894 aged 16 years. Also her granddaughter
Elizabeth [Lizzie - sic], daughter of John Finlay, who died 18th
November 1910 aged 33 years. Also her grandson [Pte. Andrew
Campbell Finlay, Wellington Inf. Regt. N.Z.E.F., killed at Messines 8th
June 1917 aged 31 years.
[Inscription on the back: This stone claims 3 graves, 1 on each
FZ 14 |
Erected by James Finlay, Balloo, in memory of his father James Finlay,
died 26th May 1898 aged 76 years. Also his mother Jane died
21st Dec. 1911 aged 93 years. His aunt Isabella Finlay died 23rd
Sep. 1904 aged 85 years.
FY 47 |
[Crudely cut inscription]. D. 1864, erected by John Finlay.
G 223 |
In loving memory of Robert Fisher who departed this life 6th March 1890
aged 77 years. Also Marion Martin Fisher who died 21st November
1899 aged 16 months. Also Elizabeth BAIRD, wife of the above named
Robert Fisher died 4th July 1905 aged 92 years. Also Martin S.
Fisher, died 15th December 1927. "God's finger touched him and he
slept". Also Elsie, eldest & dearly loved daughter of the above
Martin S. Fisher, died 9th March 1929. Also his beloved wife
Elizabeth A. Fisher, died 12th February 1945. 11 Samuel XXIII. 5.
A 82 |
Erected by Maria B. CARLISLE, Phildelphia, to the memory of her dearly
beloved mother Jane Flanigan alias Carlisle (who) died 30th August 1868
aged (. . .) years. Also her dearly beloved s(ister) Margaret
Carlisle who died 1866 aged 11 years.
FW 65 |
Erected by John Fletcher, Granshaw, in memory of his beloved mother
Ellenor Fletcher, alias ADAIR who died 2nd December 1868 aged 93 years.
The above John Fletcher died 30th May 1883, in the 81st year of his age.
Also his wife Jane Fletcher who died 26th Octr. 1894 aged 86 years.
Also his son John Fletcher born 4th Aug. 1843, died 8th Dec. 1923.
I 33 |
Erected by Eliza Fletcher in memory of her beloved husband John Fletcher
who departed this life 1st Dec. 1884, aged 50 years. Also Maggie
GAMBLE who died at Conlig, 15th November 1892 aged 21 years. Also
above named Eliza Fletcher died at Conlig 6th September 1928 aged 87
years. "For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be
made alive." 1 Cor. XV, 22.
A 114 |
Erected by
Wm. H. Fletcher of Granshaw in loving memory of his children who died in
infancy, Minnie, James, Sarah, Isabel, Anna & George, also his son
Willie died 14 November 1918 Aged 36 Years, also his wife Sarah died 22
February 1930 Aged 84 Years, also the above William H. Fletcher died 24
May 1930 Aged 83 Years, also his daughter Jane died
18 February 1972 Aged 88 Years
I 32 |
In memory
of James Fletcher died 13 October 1922 in his 90th year also
his beloved wife, Jane IRWIN, who died 5 November 1923 in her 91st
Year also their eldest son, John Arthur Fletcher who died Cape Town 24
Sept 1922 and was interred in Maitland No 1 Cemetery – Deeply Regretted
also their only daughter Agnes J. Fletcher who died 11 July 1949
‘Sadly Missed’
D 42 |
Erected by Alexander Forsyth of Bangor, in memory of his mother Eliza
Forsyth, who died 3rd August 1825 aged 52 years. Also his father
Andrew Forsyth who died 14th October 1827 aged 58 years. Also his
brother-in-law James McCORMICK who died 8th February 1853 aged 69 years.
Also Mary Eliza, daughter of James McCormick who died 2nd February 1859
aged 27 years. Also two of his children who died in infancy.
Also the above named Alexander Forsyth who died 15th of October 1879
aged 66 years.
G 209 |
Erected by Mary J. Foster of Cottown, in memory of her dearly beloved
son Adam Foster who departed this life 29th Oct. 1899 aged 19 years.
Also her dearly beloved husband William Foster who departed this life
30th Nov. 1909 aged 86 years. "Gone but not forgotten." Also
in loving memory of the above Mary J. Foster who died 1st March 1914
aged 76 years. Agnes DAVIDSON, died 18th June 1927. Sarah
CAMPBELL died 14th October 1931. Hugh Foster died 30th December
1933. "Safe in the arms of Jesus."
G 81 |
James Fowler died 6th October 1883. Alpin J. GUTHRIE died 25th
April 1937. Margaret H. Guthrie died 13th August 1941.
D 15 |
Erected by John Francis, Bangor, in memory of his beloved mother
Margaret Francis who died 18th June 1832 aged 42 years. Also his
beloved son John Francis who died 9th April 1858 aged 12 months.
Also his beloved father Andrew Francis who died 29th May 1859 aged 72
years. Also his beloved daughter Mary Ann Francis who died 6th
November 1866 aged 5 years. Also the above John Francis, master
mariner, who died 1st September 1896 aged 73 years. Also his wife
Jane Francis, who died 12th June 1902 aged 76 years. Also his son
Andrew who died 13th March 1939 aged 72 years.
[Inscription on the back: This stone claims 6 graves to the south].
FW 83 |
(Erected by) Laurie McCLEME(NT), of Bangor, in memory of his n(iece)
Jannet Frazer who died at Bangor on the 27th June 1852 aged (.)0
years. [10 or 40]
H 100 |
Erected by Chas. Fryer, Belfast, in loving memory of his dear wife, Mary
Ann, who died 19th Feby. 1891 aged 52 years. Also his daughter,
Martha, who was accidentally killed 10th May 1872 aged 6˝ years.
Also his two children, Minnie & Mary who died in infancy. Also his
mother-in-law, Mary HYSLOP, Bangor, died 5th April 1872 aged 68 years.
Also his father-in-law Robt. Hyslop, Bangor died 6th Feby. 1890 aged 81
years. Also his brother-in-law, Wm. Hyslop, Belfast, died 19th
Novr 1893 aged 53 years. Also Charles Fryer, died 18th Decr. 1895
aged 57 years. "Resting in hope."
FW 85 |
Erected in memory of David Fulton M.E., Belfast, who departed this life
22nd May 1877 aged 38 years. Also his wife Margarette who died 4th
July 1875 aged 36 years.
G 139 |
Erected by Minnie Fulton in memory of her beloved husband Andrew Fulton
who died 29 Sept 1926 also in memory of Minnie Fulton who died 15th
January 1938
FY 46 |
Erected by Mary J. Furey, in loving memory of her devoted husband Hugh
Furey who died 14th March 1895 aged 73 years.
"Fleeting time will reunite us, thou art only gone before."
Also the above named Mary J. Furey who fell asleep 13th March 1911 aged
69 years.
B 9 |