In memory of Sarah Bailie who died February 21st 1863 aged 85 years.
Also her husband Samuel Bailie, who died June 21st 1871 aged 89
years. Also their beloved son Samuel for forty years the
successful teacher of Ballymullan N.S., Crawfordsburn died 21st
November 1893 aged 72 years. Sincerely regretted . Also
their grand-children, Rev. Robert Allen SMITH, died 7th September
1882 aged 30 years, and Elizabeth Smith, died 5th October 1882 aged
46 years.
[location not yet identified] |
Erected by Alexander Baird, Granshaw, in memory of his son John who
departed this life the 25th July 1839 aged 44 years. Also the
above Alexander Baird who departed this life the 4th Dec. 1841 aged
82 years. Also Sarah Baird, wife of the above Alexander Baird,
who departed this life (3rd) June 1844 aged 93 years. Also
Jane Baird, wife of the above John Baird, who departed this life
25th March 1867 aged 72 years.
G 183 |
Erected by David Baird in loving memory of his wife Margaret who
died 8th April 1932 aged 68 years.
Also his beloved grandson James GOULD, died 9th February 1935 aged 6
years & 9 months.
Also the above David Baird died 18th February 1937 aged 83 years.
G 182 |
Erected by Isabella Baird in memory of her father, Langford Baird,
who died 2nd October 1878 aged 95 years. Also his wife
Margaret Baird who died the 4th April 1884 aged 90 years.
Also the above Isabella Baird who died 17th October 1911 aged 84
G 181 |
Erected by Martin Bannon of Bangor, to the memory of his daughter
Rose Bannon, who died Septr. the 1st 1833 aged 8 years.
Our dark affection still wished thy stay.
The voice of God has called his child away.
Like Samuel early in the Temple, found
Sweet Rose of Sharon, Plant of Holy Ground.
C 14 |
[Arms - chevron, 3 maltese crosses and small shield above chevron.
Crest - a maltese cross: motto "Be Mindful".]
Here lyeth the body of Mr Iames Barkley of Belyselloch who departed
this life the 17th Agust 1710 aged 64 years. Also his two sons
and on daughter. Iames, student of Divinity, who died Iuly the
16 1693 aged 18 years. Alexr,. counsel in law, who died Octb.
the 28 1705 aged 28 years. Ann who died Febr. the 20 1705 aged
22 years.
E 6 |
Erected by Margaret and Mary Ann Barn in memory of their mother Mary
Ann Barn, alias RUSSELL, who died 12th May 1854 aged (41) years.
Also their father Hugh Barn who died 27th Novr. 1864 aged 57 years.
Also two children who died young.
H 78 |
Erected by William Terence and Alexandra Mary Barnes in loving
memory of John Stevenson Barnes their younger son and great-great grandson
of John Barrens. He was born in Bangor 30th Oct. 1933
and died in Edinburgh 25th Nov. 1971 and his ashes were
burried here. Also the above William Terence born 27th
Oct. 1905 – died 30th Nov. 1983. Also Alexandra Mary
(May) beloved wife of William Terence born 21st Apr 1905
– died 30th Mar 1985 Yvonne Naomi Patrick Barnes nee
LAIRD 25th May 1928 – 15th Dec. 2009 loving
and much loved wife of Terry for over 50 years.
I 15 |
[Worn large tablet lying flat at the base of John LECKY's headstone
and latin monument beside it]
Here lyeth the body of Robert Barr of (Lisba)ne who departed this
life the (. .) of March 1709 aged (7)7 years. Here also lyeth
ye body of Iannet HUNTER his wife who died (October) ye 14 1711 aged
74 years. Here lyeth the body of Robert Barr her son who
departed this life the (7) of June 1703 aged (. .) years. Also
the body of Iames Barr who departed this life ye 12 of April in ye
year of our Lord (17)26 aged 64 years.
FX 96 |
[Small worn sandstone headstone]
(He)re lyeth ye bo(dy of Iohn) Barr who died (. .) 1731 aged 17
H 48 |
Here lyeth ye body of Jane Barr, daught'r to Nathaniel Barr of
Ballygrot, who died 16 Decr. 1769 aged 24 years.
H 61 |
[Small worn sandstone headstone, partly buried].
Here lyeth the body of Jean Barr alias McCONNELL, wife to John
McConnell, who departed this life July 26th 1808 aged 53 years.
Also John McConnell, husband to the above, who departed this life
February the 8th 1818 aged 67 years. Here lyeth the body of
Hugh McConnell late of Ballymeconnell who departed this life May the
8th in anno 1800 aged 25 years. Here lyeth the body of John
McConnell's son John of Ballymaconnell who departed this life June
the 12th 1789 aged 2 years.
FW 51 |
Erected by John Barr of
in memory of his wife Margaret Barr, alias CAMPBELL,
who departed this life 5th Nov 1843,
aged 64 years
Also his son William Barr
who died Anno Domini 1815 aged 9 years.
Also his son James Barr who was cast away in Lake Erie, North America AD
1835, aged 28 years
Also his son Alexander Barr,
who died AD 1836 aged 6 months.
Take comfort Christians when your friends
In Jesus fall asleep;
Their better being never ends;
Why then dejected weep?
Also the remains of his son James Barr, mariner, who departed this life the
22nd of December 1846 aged 36 years. The said John Barr departed
this life the 2nd July 1854 aged 76 yrs. Also his son Samuel C. Barr who
departed this life 21st December 1895 in his 83rd year. "Fell asleep
in Jesus"
Also his daughter M.J. HYNDS who departed this life 22nd August 1904
aged 59 years. Also Nancy Barr, wife of Samuel C. Barr, who
departed this life 20th August 1910 aged 95 years.
[On back - This stone claims 8 feet southward]
FW 7 |
[James Barr's inscription is probably of the early 19th century].
In memory of a child of James Barr's of Ballymcconnell.
Elizabeth CLISDAL died 8th December 1950. James Edward Clisdal
died 22nd July 1960. Margaret Catherine Clisdal died 31st
December 1960.
FW 61 |
Here lieth the body of James Barr, of Ballygroat, who departed this
life July the 5th 1824 aged 78 years. Also his wife Elizabeth
Barr who departed this life Janry. the 31st 1837 aged 82 years.
H 59 |
Erected by Robert and William Barr in memory of their father William
Barr who died in Ballycormic on the 22nd March 1832 aged 58 years.
Also his daughter Jane who died the 13th December 1833 aged 29
By grace the sinners saved, through faith,
Not for what he hath done;
T'is God's free gift, the Scripture saith
Through Jesus Christ his Son.Also Alexander Barr who died 13th
Oct. 1893 aged 66 years. Also his wife Mary Jane Barr who died
20th October 1913 aged 87 years. Also his daughters Jane & Magdalene.
H 64 |
This stone was erected by James Barr of Ballysallaugh, in memory of
his father John Barr, who departed this life the 10th of May 1844
aged 63 years. Also his mother Mary Barr alias GRAY who
departed this life the 2nd of March 1844 aged 58 years. And
also his sister Mary Barr who departed this life the 11th of April
1832 aged 20 years. Also the above named James Barr who
departed this life 27th December 1876 aged 62 years. Also Mary
A. widow of above James Barr, who departed this life 24th May 1923
aged 81 yrs. Also Matilda,
daughter of above James and Mary A. Barr, who departed this life
10th June 1948. Also Isabella H. Barr, daughter of above James
and Mary A. Barr, who departed this life 9th November 1950.
H 23 |
[Triangular top broken off]
Erected by William Barr, in memory of his daughter Margaret who departed this
life 6th March 1853 aged 6 years. Also his son Nathaniel who
died 12th July 1853 aged 9 years. Also his daughter Emely who
died 16th March 1862 aged 20 years. Also his daughter Martha
McCutcheon Barr who died 23rd February 1873 aged 23 years.
Also his grand-daughter Martha Barr who died 13th March 1873 aged 10
years. Also his son Nathaniel Barr who died 11th June 1874
aged 11 years. Also his grandson James Barr who died 5th
October 1880 aged 6 years. Also the above William Barr who
died 29th October 1883 aged 69 years. Also Mary Barr who died
31 October 1891 aged 78 years, Also his son William Barr who
died 23
November 1893 aged 51 years.
H 62 |
Erected by Wilson Barr of Bangor, in memory of his beloved mother
Elizabeth Barr who departed this life the 15th March 1854 aged 62.
Also his father Nathaniel Barr who departed this life the 23rd
February 1858 aged 98. Also his son Wilson Barr who departed
this life the 30th Decr. 1866 aged 8 years. Also his son John
Barr who departed this life the 4th June 1867 aged 21 years.
Also his beloved wife Ellenor Barr who departed this life the 7th
July 1869 aged 47 years. Also the above named Wilson Barr who
died the 8th July 1889 aged 63 years.
H 53 |
[With dove bearing olive branch at top]
Erected by Hugh Barr, Bangor, in memory of his beloved wife Martha
Barr, who died 20th August 1891 aged 60 years. Also the
above Hugh Barr who died 8th June 1899 aged 84 years.
H 63 |
Erected by Jane Barrens of Bangor, in memory of her beloved husband
John Barrens who departed this life on the 7th January 1846 aged 47
years. Also her son John who was lost in the Chinese sea in
March 1856 aged 27 years. Her grandson William died March 17th
1886 aged 4 years. Her son William died March 27 1886 aged 49
years. The above Jane Barrens died March 30th 1886 aged 87 years. Her daughter Ann died Jan. 26th 1909 aged 84 years.
Her son James died July 8th 1914 aged 81 years. Also
Elizabeth, wife of James, died 18th Feb. 1919. "I know that my
Redeemer liveth and that we shall stand at the latter day upon the
earth." Also Annie Ferguson COLE, daughter of above, died 23rd
April 1960 aged 73 years. [Inscription on the back :- This
stone claims 3 graves.]
I 16 |
Erected by William and Susan Barrons, of Groomsport, in memory of
their father David Barrons who died March 13th 1876 aged 68 years.
Also their mother Susan Barrons who died June 3rd 1858 aged 51
years. Also their brother David Barrons, lost at sea, January
26th 1860 aged 22 years. Also their brother John Barrons who
died at sea Oct. 3rd 1865 aged 23 years. Also the above Susan
Barrons who died 6th August 1899. Also Jane Barrons, wife of
the above William, who died 15th Sep. 1910 aged 77 years. Also
the above named William Barrons, husband of Jane Barrons, died 31st
March 1920 aged 83 years. "Though lost to sight, to memory
ever dear".
[Inscription on the back: 3 graves one at each side].
H 85 |
In loving memory of Norman James Barrett Seaview, Bangor died 4th March
1915 aged 21 years.
When thou pass through the waters I will be with thee.
'Home is the sailor, Home from the sea'
Also Captain and Flight Commander Ernest William Barrett, Royal
Flying Corps, killed in action in the air over Yrpres, Salient on
29th May 1916 aged 26 years.
Until the day break and the shadows flee away.
Also Lieut. Knox Gordon Barrett R.F.A. eldest son of J.H. Barrett
killed in action on 20th September 1917
Thy will be done.
On bottom plinth
J.H. Barrett, J.P. died 12th June 1941
FW 78 |
Erected by George Baxter, Bangor, in memory of his son James Baxter,
who died Jan. 13th 1844 aged 3 years. Also his father James
Baxter who died Jan. 11th 1839 aged 55 years. Also his brother
William Baxter who died June 2nd 1808 aged 16 months. Also his
brother Charles Baxter who died December 16th 1823 aged 4 years.
Also his son William Baxter who died 11th June 1844 aged 1 year.
Also his daughter Lizzy Baxter who died 23rd April 1879 aged 44
years. William, husband of Agnes Baxter, died 24th Feby. 1941
in his 97th year. John Baxter, died 30th Nov. 1962 aged 80½
years, second son of late Wm. and Agnes Baxter. Robert Baxter
died 20th May 1963 aged 85 years, elder son of late Wm. and Agnes
Baxter. Mary Baxter, died 29th Jan. 1964 aged 79 yrs., second
daughter of Wm. and Agnes Baxter. Jenny Baxter, died 24th Jan.
1966 aged 79 years., youngest daughter of Wm. and Agnes Baxter,
interred in Clandeboye Cemetary.
FX 114 |
Erected by Robert H. Baxter of Granshaw, in memory of his mother
Isabella Baxter, alias HAMILTON, who died 15th June 1812 aged 41
years. Also his father William Baxter of Quarterland, who died
17th May 1836 aged 77 years. Also the above mentioned Robert
H. Baxter who departed this life October the 20th 1847 aged 38
years. Also Sarah Baxter, grand-daughter of the above Robert
Baxter, who died in infancy. Also Mary MOORE, wife of the
above Robert Baxter who died on the 5th Dec. 1902 in the 91st year of her age.
Agnes Baxter, wife of William Baxter, died 10th January 1932.
Sarah, daughter of Wm. and Agnes Baxter, died 14th April 1946 aged
65 years.
FX 113 |
Erected by Richard Beattie, in memory of his daughter Eliza, who
died 8th April 1870 aged 4 years. Also his daughter Ellen, who
died 7th Dec. 1873 aged 17 years. Also the above Richard
Beattie, who died 24th Aug. 1901 aged 78 years. And his wife
Mary Beattie, who died 24th Nov. 1907 aged 73 years. "He
giveth his beloved sleep".
FW 34 |
Erected by John Beattie in memory of his beloved wife Jane who died
30 Dec 1903, aged 60 years.
G 39 |
In memory of Mary Ada, wife of Rev. M. Beattie, Curate of Bangor,
died 19 Oct. 1872 aet. 32. "He taketh away, who can hinder
him". Job. IX, 12, Also his son J Montague who died 1st
January 1898 aged 28 years. Also the above Rev. Michael
Beattie in his 61st year, 21st June 1899.
D 32 |
In memory of William Hugh NEWMAN beloved husband of Abigail Beattie
died 11 July 1955
Also Abigail wife of the above Hugh Beattie, 23rd April 1967
Erected by their daughter Lena.
G 38 |
In memory of Elizabeth Beatty, alias BROWN relict of George Beatty
of Bangor, who died on the 13th of Feby. 1869 aged 70 years.
"God is love"
But as for me I thine own face
in righteousness will see,
And with thy likeness when I wake
I satisfied shall be.
G 229 |
Here lieth the body of William Beel who departed this life the 30th of
January in the year 1713 aged 73.
H 42 |
In memory of Alexander Bell
Died 17th October 1906.
Also his younger son
Died 3rd December 1918
Aged 24 years.
There are 2 headstones - 2nd one has the following inscription:
To the dear memory of Alexander Bell
Died 17th October 1908, his wife Martha 25th June 1946, son
Died 3rd December 1918
Aged 24 years.
FW 90 |
Here lyeth ye body of Iean Bell of Groomsport who departed this life ye
7th of February 1739/40 aged 55 years.
G 162 |
In Memory Of
Margaret Jane Bell
Died 29th January 1889,
Henry Bell F.R.C.S.
Died 10th December 1922.
B 10 |
Fulger Virtus
'They have kept the faith'
Richard Bell 1837 - 1913
Agnes Caldwell-Bell 1855 - 1930
Agnes Bell 1895 - 1928
Erected by their son and brother
Philip Bell
Also the above Captain Philip Bell B.L.R.M.
Died 5th April 1950.
B 1 |
Sacred to the memory of Robert Jackson Bell and of Hugh Bell, sons of
Stewart and Susanna Bell of Bellview, who departed this life the 13th of
Jan. A.D. 1805. Also of their son John Bell who died 11th Augt.
1827 aged 35 years.
FX 44 |
Erected by John Bell in memory of his father Hugh Bell who died at
Ballygrainey 8th September 1872 aged 56 years. Also his mother
Elizabeth Bell, alias NEWELL, who died 13th September 1891 aged 74
years. Also his son Hugh Bell who died 22nd April 1893 aged 3½
years. Also his wife Jane Bell died 11th Jany. 1938 aged 72 years.
Also the above named John Bell died 3rd March 1938 aged 81 years.
I 82 |
Thomas, Bangor
FW 90A |
[Inscription on base of a plinth that formerly bore a cross and
triangular-topped slab].
In loving memory of William Henry Bell, died at Bangor, Sept. 16th 1888.
Erected by his sister. "The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us
from all sin". 1st John, 1, 7.
[Continued on slab - "Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable
A 98 |
[Large polished granite plinth, bearing a pillar with truncated top,
in an enclosure. The truncated top is supposed to represent the broken
neck suffered by William Bell when he fell off his horse].
In loving memory of William Bell who was killed by an accident at
Dunover, on the 28th day of November 1895 aged 55 years. His
daughter Mary, wife of Charles LOWRY, who died 18th September 1910.
His wife Elizabeth Bell who died 10th April 1914 aged 72 years.
"Oh, call it not death, 'tis a Holy Sleep, and the precious dust, the
Lord doth keep".
[North face] Also his son William Bell who died 26th January 1917 aged
47 years.
[On enclosure] Mary, 1910. William, 1917.
FX 1 |
In memory of Harriette Augusta died 19th Decr. 1851 aged 7 years, and
Richard Edward died 14th October 1852 aged 12 years, children of the
Revd. Richard Binney A.M., incumbent of this parish. 1st Thess. IV
ch. 14 ve.
Oh do not weep
For those who sleep
Beneath this grassy mound.
They softly rest
On Jesus breast
Till the last trumpet shall sound.
Mary Elizabeth, last surviving daughter of the above died 6th February
1930 aged 80 years.
FY 68 |
In memory of Elizabeth, wife of Rev. Richard Binney A.M & D.C.L.,
incumbent of Bangor, died 6th December 1866 AET. 59 "She is not
dead but sleepeth". Luke VIII, 52. Also of the Rev. Richard
Binney A.M.& D.C.L. for 26 years incumbent of this parish of Bangor, who
died 15th January 1876 aged 68 years "Thou wilt keep him in perfect
peace whose mind is stayed on Thee, because he trusteth Thee". Isaiah
XXVI, 3.
FY 69 |
In Loving Memory of
Second wife of
Rev. Richard Binney
M.A., D.C.L.
Died 21st June 1912
Aged 82 years
'Until the day dawn'
John Charles Binney
Son of J C Binney
Born 1884
Died 10th December 1886.
FY 70 |
Think young folk on another world
To which you'r hasting fast
Neither Youth nor Strength can hinder you
This day may be your last.A well spent life will give you peace
In trials by the way
And at Death cheer you with the hope
Of an eternal day
Erected to the memory of Sarah Black otherwise GIBBISON, wife to William
Black of Bangor, who departed this life December the 12th 1805 AE 29
years. Also their two children, Jane & William C. Black, who died
in infancy.
FX 57 |
Erected in memory of John Blackburn Esqr., late Revenue Officer of
Bangor, who departed this life 25th Nov. 1795 aged 76 years. Also
the remains of John BOYD, of Bangor, who departed this life 17th July
1822 aged 70 years. Also his wife Eleanor Boyd alias Blackburn who
departed this life 17th Feb.1823 aged (65) years.
Stone no longer extant |
[Sole surviving portion of the large red limestone lid of an altar tomb
- probably of late 17th century].
(Here lyeth) the body of . . . (Blackwo)od, provest (of Bangor w)ho died
the . . . (Aug)st anno dom . . . (Here also lyeth) the body of . . . (Black)wood
als . . . (wife t)o John Blackwood . . . (Ba)ngor who (died) . . .
G 29 |
Here lyeth the body of Isabella Blackwood, alias WHITE, wife to Iames
Blackwood in Bangor, gent., who departed this life Iune ye 5th 1729 aged
27 years. Here lyeth ye body of Mr. Ias. Blackwood who departed
this life Decer. 25th 1749 aged 54 years. Here lys the body of
Miss Susanna Blackwood who departed this life Octr. the 22nd 1766.
Here lieth the body of Wilim. Blackwood of Bangor, gentm., who depd.
this life ye 27th March 1787 aged 60 years. Also the body of his
wife Ann Blackwood, alias JACKSON, who departed this life Janry. 30th
1814 aged (9)0 years.
G 166 |
Here lyeth the body of Mr John Blackwood, so to James Blackwood, in
Bangor, gent., who departed this life July ye 20th 1732 aged 12 years.
Here lyeth the body of Isabh. MOATT, alias Blackwood, wife to the late
Capt'n. Jams Moatt who deprtd this lif Feby. 18th 1798 aged 44 years.
Also here lieth the body of Rachel Jackson Blackwood who departed
this life Oct'r. the 28th 1828 aged 62 years. |
G 165 |
Here lyeth ye body of Mr. John Blackwood, merch't, in Bangor, who
departed this life Novr. 22 1759 aged 77 years. Also the body of
his daugr. Miss Ann Blackwood aged 17 years. Also the body of his
wife Mrs. Agnes Blackwood, alias (PINIT)STAN, who departed this life the
5 of Agust 1778 aged 7(7) years.
G 164 |
urn-topped pedestal, inscribed on all four sides]
Sacred to the memory of John Blackwood, late of Bangor, in the County of
Down, Esquire, died 19th October 1825 aged 94 years.
[North face] During a long life he maintained the character of a
truly honest & upright man and died much esteemed & respected by all who
knew him.
[West face] This monument was erected by his nephew John O'Reilly
Blackwood as a grateful tribute to his memory, 1834.
[South face] Died on the 11th Decr. 1885, John O'Reilly Blackwood
aged 82 years. Died on the 11th October 1898, the Rev. John
O'Reilly Blackwood, Vicar of Ballywalter aged 49 years. Died on
the 25th Novr. 1925, Sarah A. O'Reilly Blackwood aged 99 years.
G 167 |
In memory of John Blair, A.S. Engineers, Belfast, died Dec. 6 1908 aged
73. Also his wife Maria died March 31 1899. "Thy will be
A 94 |
Erected by A. R. Blakely, of New Orleans, in memory of his beloved
mother Mary Blakely, alias CORRY, Upper Balloo, who departed this life
9th February 1873 aged 76 years. Also his nephew Thomas Blakely
who departed this life 15th June 1873 aged 3 years and 10 months.
Also his brother James D. Blakely, New Orleans, who departed this life
7th April 1870 aged 43 years. Also his father Andrew Blakely who
departed this life 24th March 1877 aged 84 years. Also his nephew
John Blakely who died 3rd January 1883 aged 8 months. Also his
brother Thomas Blakely who died at Upper Balloo 17th October 1896 aged
72 years. "And there shall be no night there". Also
his niece Jane Anna Blakely who died 11th Octr. 1908 aged 36 years.
Also his nephew Andrew James Blakely who died at New Orleans 22nd May
1917. Also Mary Jane, wife of the above named Thomas Blakely, who
died at Bangor 23rd May 1917 aged 77 years. Also his nephew
William Robert Blakely who died at Bangor 27th October 1928. Also
his niece Mary D. Blakely who died 6th May 1945.
[Inscription on back - This stone claims 3 graves.]
G 236 |
Erected by Thomas
C. Blakely in memory of his beloved wife Annie who died 4th
April 1907 Aged 28 Years.
Will be done
G 237 |
Erected by James Boal, of Ballygrainey, in memoy of his son John Boal
who died the 8th October 1844 aged 5 years. Also his mother Eliza
Jane Boal who died the 25th January 1867 aged 21 years. Also his
son James Ross Boal, died 7th Oct. 1874 aged 21 years. Also the
above named James Boal died 24th March 1884 aged 64 years. Also
his grandson George M. Boal died 28th Sep.1896 aged 6 years.
[Inscription on the back - This stone claims 3 graves one on each side]
H 50 |
Erected by Jane Boal of Bangor Granshaw in memory of her husband Thomas
Boal who died 10th July 1885 aged 73 years. Also the above named
Jane Boal who died 3rd (Jan. 1891) aged 74 years.
[Inscription on the back - This stone claims 3 graves one on each side]
H 69 |
Erected by Jane Boden, of Ban(gor), in memory of her husband William
Boden who departed this life 6th Feby. 1851 aged 85 years. Also 8
of their children.
[Inscription on the back - James Bowden, this stone claims 4 graves].
G 169 |
Sacred to the memory of Robert Henry Bolton, Esq., M.D., formerly
surgeon of the 78th Regiment who died at Bangor on the 8th July 1866 age
80 years. Also of his wife Letitia, who died at Belfast on the
22nd May 1874 aged 63 years, and whose remains are likewise interred
here. "And the weary are at rest". Also of their son Reuben
Bolton M.D. who died at Bangor 20th Nov. 1900 aged 56 years.
D 55 |
Died at Bangor on the 27th June 1864, Hancock Stanley Bond, of Bondville,
Co Armagh aged 4(9) tears. Requiescat in pace.
G 246 |
In memory of
John William Booth
Engineer Royal Navy
who died at sea on August 9th 1892
Aged 29 years
This stone is erected by the ward room officers of
HMS Audacious
as a token
of esteem and respect for their lost comrade.
A 22 |
William Bowden of Ballyskaugh who died 16th May 1884 aged 67 years.
Also 3 of his infant children.
Here lieth the remains of Ellen the beloved wife of John Bowden,
formerly of Ballysallagh, who departed this life 15th April 1886
aged 85 years. Also the above named John Bowden died 18th
April 1893 aged 88 years.
1 51 |
Erected by William Bowden, Belfast, in memory of his beloved wife
Catherine Susanna who departed this life October 1st 1888 aged 56
years. "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from
henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their
labours; and their works do follow them". Rev. XIV c., 13 v.
Also their two children, George aged 5 years, Albert aged 9 years.
Sacred also to the memory of the above named William Bowden, who
having faithfully served his generation, passed peacefully to his
rest in his 80th year, on the 18th of December 1910.
I 50 |
Erected by James Bowman, Snr., in memory of his beloved wife Sarah,
who died 6th Sep. 1883 aged 60 years. Also his daughter Sarah,
died 15th Oct. 1883 aged 24 years. Henry Bowman died 11th May
1846 aged 66 years. Also his wife, Jane Bowman, died 15th Jan.
1856 aged 74 years. Also his daughter Mary Jane, died 26th
March 1886 aged 31 years. Also the above James Bowman, died
20th March 1886 aged 78 years. Also his daughter Ellen Bowman,
died 9th March 1922. Also his son James Henry Bowman, died
17th November 1925. Also Sarah, wife of above James Henry
Bowman, died 22nd November 1950.
FW 88 |
Erected in memory of our beloved father Robert Bowman who died 7th
Octr. 1891 aged 75 years. And our dear mother Isabella Bowman
who died 15th Feby. 1892 aged 78 years, both of Bangor. Also
their son James Bowman who died 5th Decr. 1913 aged 69 years.
Also Mary Bowman, third daughter of above Robert Bowman, died 24th
October 1935.
"The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all sin".
[West side] In memory of Mina, beloved wife of Henry Bowman, who
died 6th April 1899, aged 38 years. Also his uncle David
THOMPSON who died 11th July 1896 aged 71 years. Also the above
Henry Bowman who died 26th May 1929 aged 77 years.
"Him that cometh to Me, I will in no wise cast out".
FX 72 |
Erected in memory of Andrew Boyd who died 3rd Feby. 1820 aged 84
years. Also his wife Elizabeth Boyd who 8th Jany. 1786 aged 32
years. Also six of their children. Mary Jane Kane McDADE
died 13th May 1926 aged 79 years. "Peace, perfect peace"
Andrew Boyd KANE died 12th August 1878. Also his wife Margaret
Kane. Also their daughter Letitia Kane died 13th January 1904.
G 130 |
Erected in memory of Robert Boyd of Cairney-Hill, who departed this
life on the 6th March 1810 aged 72 years. Also his wife
Elizabeth CREEVY, who died on the 11th Sepr 1832 aged 82 years.
Likewise their son William, who died in the 39 year of his age, on
the 5th April 1829.
G 70 |
This stone claims 7 feet north. Erected by Robert Boyd,
Ballygrainey, in memory of his mother Elizabeth Boyd who departed
this life 16th May anno 1839 aged 75 years.
H 134 |
Erected by Martha Boyd in memory of her beloved husband Samuel Boyd
who departed this life on the 8th September 1871 aged 72 years.
Also Isabella, dearly beloved wife of Samuel Boyd, junier, who
departed this life 13th October 1885. Fell asleep in Jesus.
Also the above named Martha Boyd alias MAWHINNEY who died 3rd
October 1892 aged 70 years. Deeply regretted.
Thou art gone to the grave, but we will not deplore thee,
Tho' sorrow and darkness encompass the tomb,
Thy Saviour hath passed through the portals before thee,
And the lamp of his love was thy guide through the gloom.
[Inscription on the back: This stone claims 3 graves, 1 on each
FZ 39 |
Erected by Mary WILSON & Esther CALLAGHAN, in memory of their mother
Jane Bradley, died 12th Nov. 1875 aged 63 years. Also their
father Samuel Bradley died 8th Nov. 1878 aged 75 years. The
above Mary Wilson died 2nd March 1906 aged 64 years. The above
Esther Callaghan died 2nd Jan. 1910 aged 64 years. Also James
Callaghan died 24th Novr. 1911 aged 67 years.
[Inscription on the back - This stone claims 3 graves, 1 north and 1
G 85 |
In Memory of Sarah Bramble who
died 3 March 1899 aged 72 years.
E 5 |
[Small undated headstone, probably mid-19th century]. W. Breadley.
FX 102 |
Erected by James T. Brice Bangor
In Loving Memory of
His Father, Mother and Brother
And of his dear wife Jane Nicholson
who died 22 March 1932
Above Named James T. Brice
Died 12th November 1932.
Inscriptions on eastern side of enclosure:
William Brice
Born - 1813
Died - 1878
Annie Brice
Born - 1809
Died - 1899
John Brett Brice
Born - 1844
Died - 1864.
FX 22 |
In loving memory of
The Rev Arthur Broughton-Mills
Husband of Marie nee Nicholson
Who comenced his ministry in Bangor
and who concluded it here in retirement.
Born 11th Jan 1904 - Died 10th Sept 1985
Faithful Pastor and Friend
And his wife
Died 2nd July 2001.
H 34 |
Sacred to the memory of the following persons:- viz., Agnes Brown,
daughter to John Brown of Bangor, who departed this life the 12th Day of
Aprile, A.D. 17(8)5 aged 24 years. Also John Brown, revenue
officer at Bangor, and father to the above named Agnes, who departed
this life the 14th Day of Septr. A.D. 1802 aged 66 years. Also
Agnes, wife of the above John Brown, who departed this life 19th January
1816 aged 80 years. Also Margaret Brown, daughter of the above
John and Agnes, who departed this life 22nd March 1839 aged 79 years.
Also Mary Brown, sister to the above Margaret, who departed this life
19th April 1843 aged 80 years. Also Henry Brown, son to the above
John and Agnes Brown, who departed this life, much regretted the 22nd
Day of May 1846 aged 79 years.
FX 129 |
Erected by Anna Brown in loving memory of Maria Brown who died 23rd
January 1935.
G 2A |
[Inclining slate, of which the first part of the inscription is probably
of c. 1790-1800]
This stone was erected by Robert Brown of Ballygrainey, in memory of his
three sons, viz:- Hans, William & Hans, who died when children & whose
bodies lies here interred. The above Robert Brown died on the
first April 1837 aged 79 years. Also his wife Jane Brown who died
on the 18th January 1843 aged 73 years.
G 215 |
Erected in memory of James Brown of Bangor, who died Novr. 10th 1805
aged 63 years. Also Mary Brown his wife who died Decr. 1st 1825
aged 66 years. And William Brown who died Octr. 27th 1827 aged 35
years. Also Margaret Brown, wife to John BOYD of Bangor, who
departed this life on the 9th July 1850 aged 54 years. Also her
sister Jane Brown who departed this life on the 19th April 1862 aged 57
years. Also in memory of Mary, beloved wife of James Brown, who
died 2nd December 1867. Also her husband James Brown who departed
this life 23rd February 1900 aged 84 years. Also his daughter
Agnes LARMOUR who died 3rd Augt. 1907 aged 49 years.
H 52 |
Here lieth the body of John Brown who departed this life Decr. 14th 1817
aged 51 years. Also the remains of his wife Elizabeth Brown alias
CAMPBELL, who departed this life 1st February 1837 aged 84 years.
Jane GRAY, daughter of thee above named, who died 7th January 1873 aged
78 years. Also here lieth the body of Agnes Brown, daughter of
John Brown of Castle Street, Bangor, who departed this life Decr. the
23rd 1810 aged 16 years. Also his daughter Mary who departed this
life Augt. 7th 1821 aged 23 years.
FX 128 |
Erected in memory of Robert Brown of Ballyfotherly, who departed this
life 18th Decr. anno Domini 1821 aged 68 years. Also 4 of his
children, namely Andrew, John, Henry & Margaret. Also his wife
Margaret who departed this life 24th June 1825 aged 80 years. Also
Sarah Brown who died the 16th Septr. 1828 aged 23 years. Also Mary
Brown alias MOORE, wife of Robert Brown, who died the 30th May 1838 aged
75 years. Also James Brown who departed this life the 12th April
1845 aged 37 years.
1 23 |
Erected in memory of Henry Brown, merchant, Bangor, who died 4th August
1838 aged 68. Also his wife Jane who died 23rd March 1855 aged 71.
Also three of their children who died in infancy. Also their son
James who died at Maryport 18th June 1855 aged 47 years. Also
their daughter Jane AGNEW who died 3rd Novr. 1856 aged 36 years.
Also their son Alexander who died 22nd March 1858 aged 49 years.
Margaret Bell McCREADY, sister-in-law of Alexander Brown, who died 16th
December 1918 aged 89 years. George Henry, younger son of
Alexander Brown, who died 20th September 1919 aged 60 years. Anna,
daughter of Alexander Brown, who died 17th January 1932 aged 91 years.
G 24 |
Erected by Andrew Brown of Ballyfotherly, in memory of his wife Mary
Brown alias BOYLE, who departed this life on the 8th April 1839 aged 29
years. |
G 103 |
Brown James
M 3 graves B
G 201 |
Erected by Mary Brown to the memory of her husband John Brown, who
departed this life April 30th 1874 aged 64 years, fourth son of the late
Henry Brown of Ballymagee St., Bangor, who is interred in this
graveyard. The above Mary Brown died 10th February 1886 aged 77
years. William Brown, son of John & Mary Brown, died 23rd January
1887 aged 39 years. Helen Gertrude, child of William Brown, died
26th February 1887 aged 13 months.
D 60 |
Two headstones together
Erected by Jane Eleanor Brown, in loving memory of her husband William
Henry Harman Brown, Chief Officer R.N., who died 1st May 1921 aged 76
years. Also their children, Agnes Martha died 9th April 1879 aged
3 years 8 months. Amy Elizabeth died 24th April 1879 aged 1 year,
5 months. Janie died 29th November 1899 aged 26 years. Anna
Elizabeth Lamont died 25th May 1901 aged 17 years. William Henry
Harman, H.M. Customs, drowned while bathing 20th June 1906 aged 25
years. Interred at Pagoda Anchorage, Foo Choo, China.
Francis Alfred Joseph, 2nd Lieutenant 6th Leinsters, killed in action at
Ginchy 9th September 1916 aged 22 years. The above-named Jane
Eleanor Brown, was interred here on 6th October 1933 aged 83 years.
At Rest.
Erected by Richard Brown in memory of his mother Jane Brown, who died
23rd March 1886 aged 78 years. The above Richard Brown died 9th
October 1931 aged 84 years.
A 59
A 60
In loving memory of
Capt. Robert Brown
who fell asleep
31 January 1910 Also his wife
Susanna M. Brown
13th June 1923 ‘Thy will be done’
G 3 |
In memory of Andrew Bryson late of B-sallough who died the 7th May 1764
aged 56 years. Also of Jean FINDLEY his wife who died the 1st of
March 1796 aged 82.
FZ 20 |
Here lieth the body of William Bryson of Newtownards, formerly of
Ballysallagh, parish of Bangor, who departed this life the 26th of
September 1813 aged 77 years. Also three of his children who died
in infancy. Also his wife Jane Bryson alias ROBB who departed this
life Augst. 4th 1825 aged 81 years. Also their daughter Mary
McKITTRICK who died in Newtownards on the 2nd of Septr. 1839 in the 73rd
year of her age. Also James McKittrick of Newtownards who died on
the 2nd August 1848 aged 75 years. Also John McKittrick, late of
Newtownards, born 1802, died 1868 aged 66 years. Also Mary Bryson,
late of Cottown, who departed this life 12th March 1874 aged 81 years.
FZ 22 |
Erected by John Buchanan, Town-Sergeant of Bangor, in memory of his
beloved wife Sarah Buchanan, alias McDONALD, who departed this life
March the 6th 1842 aged 57. And also to that of their two
children, John and Anne Jane who died when young. Also the above
John Buchanan who departed this life May the 6th 1862 aged 76 years.
1 39 |
Erected by Margaret Buike in memory of her beloved husband
John Buike
who died 21st Nov 1884 aged 49 years.
God is Love.
A 28 |
Erected by James Bulla of Bangor in memory of two of his children, viz.
James aged 18 months and Jane aged 11 years. Also his daughter
Eliza Bulla, alias NEILL, who died June the 7th 1842 aged 30 years.
Also the remains of the above named James Bulla who departed this life
29th Septr. 1845 aged 66 years. And also his wife, Jane Bulla
alias CAMPBELL, who departed this life on the 9th of March 1851 aged 77
years. Also Maria McKEE, died 23rd January 1873 aged 50 years.
Such the prospects that arise
To the dying Christian's eyes;
Such the glorious vista faith
Shining through the shades of death.
Also her husband William McKee, died 21st May 1886 aged 74 years.
FX 21 |
Quis Separabit
9287 Rifleman
J Burns
Royal Irish Rifles
19th July 1915.
FW 56 |
Erected by
Thomas Burns of Ballygilbert
in memory of his wife
Jane Burns alias Lamb,
who departed this life on the 2nd March 1836 aged 79 years.
In memory of James Burns,
the beloved son of John Burns,
died March 3rd 1875 aged 23 years.
FW 55 |
Erected by Margaret Burns in memory of her brothers Robert and Thomas
Burns, also William Sloan who died 27th March 1910 aged 71 years.
Also his wife Sophia Sloan who died 10th November 1918 aged 70 years.
FW 69
Erected by Thomas Burns, Bangor, in memory of his beloved mother Mary
Burns who died Novr. 1858 aged 58 years. Also his beloved daughter
Marion Burns who died 5th Novr. 1878 aged 2 years & 3 months.
Also his beloved son Wm. John Burns who died 19th March 1880 aged 17
months. "Suffer little children to come unto me". Also his
beloved brother John Burns who died in Melbourne July 1877 aged (..)
years. Also his father William Burns, died 1883 aged 82 years.
Also his wife's mother Margaret HENDERSON, died 1897 aged 84 years.
Also his beloved wife Elizabeth Burns, died Sept. 2nd 1925 aged 76
years. Also the above Thomas Burns, master mariner, died 1st May 1930
aged 82 years.
[Inscription on the back :- This stone claims 5
graves, 2 on each side]
FW 68 |
Erected to the memory of
relict of the late William BURT Esq.,
Woodside, Plymouth,
obit. 16th July 1853.
G 206 |
I.H.S. Erected by William Butler of Bangor in memory of his sister
Margaret Butler who departed this life 14th Feby. 1854 aged 52 years.
G 203 |
Erected by James Byrne, Ballymaconnell, in memory of his mother Mary
Byrne who died 18th Sept. 1872 aged 56 years. Also his father Hugh
Byrne who died (16)th August 1873 aged 58 years. Also the above
named James Byrne who died on the 21st December 187(3) aged 31 years.
G 196 |